Cloth Diapering

Poop stain solutions?

Mainly because of all the awesome info from you ladies, we've been cloth diapering our newborn since day 2 with great success, but she left some nasty poop stains on a couple nice AIOs.  Unfortunately, DH put the stained dipes in the dryer, so I am in the process of trying to get the stains out.  I used an all-natural stain remover, and am running them through a full wash cycle again, then I will sun them to dry.  Any other ideas or suggestions for getting the stains out? 

For some reason, I am way more bothered by stains on AIOs than prefolds.  Talk about irrational.

BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016

Re: Poop stain solutions?

  • I haven't started cding yet, but the ladies on the board seem to swear by the sun. I'd see how that goes.

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  • Yep, sun. My dipes have been kind of stained all winter because I don't find I get good stain removal results by putting them in the window. I don't think the sun is strong enough where I am in the winter to remove the stains. This weekend though the warm weather came back and the sun was in full force. I washed them and put them in the sun to dry. Voila! Stains gone, even the ones that have been sitting on my dipes all winter. I swear by the sun.
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  • Yep, the sun.

    I asked this question a few weeks ago too and have since dried them in the sun to find bright white diapers again! It's amazing.

  • sarenu1sarenu1 member

    The sun is great for getting stains out.  Wash them and lay them out to dry.

    Make sure not to put them out on a super hot day for too long.  It will have the same effect as throwing them in the dryer.

    I've also seen people mentioning lemon water, I'm not sure the consistency.  But you spray some on and let them sit in the sun, then you'll need to wash them again.  I'd probably recommend this if you're trying to sell the diapers or putting them into storage.

    Plus, stains will eventually work themselves out or fade as you wash them.

    I really haven't been concerned with them, because I know they're just going to get more stains as I go.  If it's a nice day and I'm doing diaper laundry, I save time and energy and lay them outside.

    If you don't have an area outside, you can hang them in a window. 

  • Sun but if that doesn't work a buncha farmer's stain remover stick.
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