March 2013 Moms

spoke to soon...

Madison will be 8 weeks on Thursday and has always been a terrific sleep at night. I'm talking 5 to 7 hours a night since we came home. The past 2 nights have sucked! She's only sleeping 1 to 2 hours between feedings. I EBF and the girls are suffering. We have been doing something differently which may be attributing to her not sleeping? She has grown out of her bassinet part of the pnp so we moved her to the regular part. We have been weaning from the nipple shield as well.

Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated! Now going to try to sleep myself.

Re: spoke to soon...

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    CAA0508CAA0508 member
    I am going through something similar and wondering if it has anything to do with weaning from the nipple shield. My DD isn't eating or sleeping as well now that I've stopped using the shield.
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    It could be the changes you made, but it most likely is a growth spurt. Hang in there!

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    mle929mle929 member
    I'd guess it's just a growth spurt, too.



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    tilsonctilsonc member
    Is LO feeding the same amount of time? Just wondering if LO is getting as much milk without the shield? Our LO is 8 weeks and I do not think she would be ready to go into our PNP yet. It would look huge with her in there. Does she look comfortable? I love our rock n play. Its been a life saver.
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    We've been going through the same thing for the past week. LO will be 9 weeks tomorrow. I contribute it to a growth spurt.
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