Working Moms

Losing sleep over travel plans.

I figured this was a great place to find some words of advice or support as I lose sleep just thinking about my upcoming travel plans. My best friend from childhood is getting married and I will be leaving my kids for the first time to go to her wedding across the country. I'm going to be gone for 6 days and I am just so nervous about leaving and something happening to me or my kids while I'm away that I can cry on a dime lately. I am stay at home and I've never been away. It's just too much to bring the whole family right now and my mother will be here with my family all week, but I'm SO nervous.
Anyone travel or make it through their time away with some words of encouragement for me?
Thank you
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Re: Losing sleep over travel plans.

  • It's so hard to leave them, but it is worth it! I think it's really healthy for everyone in the family. Dad learns he can do more than he thought, kiddos get bonding time with Grandma, and hopefully you'll have some fun while you are away! They will be absolutely fine, and if you can get in the right frame of mind hard, I know, you will too. Plus, with kids I do find that absence makes the heart grow fonder! You'll miss them and appreciate them that much more!
    DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
    DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

  • I've traveled quite a bit in the 2 years since DD was born.  Both for work and by choice and have left DD for a few weeklong trips. 

    It's fine.  Go and enjoy yourself!  They will be more than fine without you.  I know none of us ever think this, but it's true.  My DD has stayed with my parents so DH and I could go on 3 vacations alone.  She has a blast and then runs into our arms when we get back. 

     Just have your H send you pics of the kids over the course of the week.  Talk to them on the phone.  But don't dwell.  Go be there for your best friend, drink, sleep, workout, shop, do some things for you while you're away.  So worth it! 

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  • QueSrahQueSrah member
    I seriously stress when we plan trips without DD, but she always does fine!  She loves spending extra time with whichever grandparent comes to stay with her, and the grandparents love that extra time (even if they're quite tired by the time we get back).  It's highly unlikely that anything serious would happen to you while you're gone, or to them while you're away.  You can do this.  Enjoy your trip and getting in that extra time with your friend!  You can always call or skype with the kids to say hello.
  • Netty_3Netty_3 member
    Last weekend was the first time LO had been away from me overnight. I had to work, and DH took him to visit grandparents.  I was pretty upset...but, when they got home, the smile on LO's face and his big hug and kiss helped me get over it. Also, I got to sleep in a little bit and order a pizza my way, and got a scoop of my favorite ice cream...I don't know why, but that's a big deal to me, I guess because it never happens.  I watched some girly shows and got the house clean in record time, plus I got some of my crafting stuff done as well. Pretty productive.
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  • I agree with whoever said it's probably harder on you than it is on them when you're gone.  They'll have fun with their dad and grandma.

    Maybe it would help to think about what you're actually worried about.  What do you think could happen without you there?  The kids will be in good hands.  If they're sad, it won't be for very long in the grand scheme of things.  And it's always good for them to learn that when Mama goes away, she always comes back.

    Good luck and enjoy your trip!

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  • Oh thank you all! I really am worried about me more than them but you know,,, it breaks your heart to think your little ones are sad at home missing you! I agree, it will be good for all of us and your words really help me realize that! I think Skype will be great with my son but terrible with my daughter,,, she cries for me if I'm home but loves life with whomever she's with if I'm not around.. Little drama queen ; I honestly am worried about feeling insecure being so far from them. It's weird, like I feel like I will just ache, but I'm definitely going to be very busy and you're right: work out,eat just for ME, and spend time with my friend,,, 5 of the 6 days are already cram packed with travel, a wedding, a river ride, and I would really love to discover Portland while I'm there! Thank you so much,,, ill be reflecting on this post and writing in when I cannot sleep may28june2!
    You're all so well spoken,supportive, and have already been a huge help!
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  • I went away for the first time in March to my friend's wedding and then again last week for a work trip.  Both times my mom came to watch DD, though DH was also home last week, but he needed just as much help!

    For me, the anticipation of leaving was the worst.  I'm a control freak, so I did as much as I could before I left - preparing meals, writing out her schedule, doing laundry - to make sure things were in good order.  It also helped that both times I was very busy while I was gone so it kind of got my mind away from how much I missed her.  However, once I was away, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  It was very nice to eat my meals in peace and sleep in!  The other thing was that DH really needed to figure his way with her bedtime routine.  I realized just how much I enabled him to NOT do anything with bedtime.  The few nights he actually tried to put her to bed, I went in and rescued him when she was crying.  This time, though, he had to figure it out.  Now he knows he can do it and now I have the flexiblity to go out for dinner with my girlfriends or go back to volunteering at my church - all things I have said no to recently. 

    You can do it!  You'll be fine and so will your family :)

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