Baby Names

Too weird?

I was a nanny for a family friend and one of their girls names is Nora. My husband and I love it. Nora Louise is what we were thinking. Louise is his grandmothers middle name that passed away and he wants to honor her and I love the name Louise.

My question is do you think it's weird for us to use Nora too? We see them and hang out with them probably every other weekend from may till October. Camping, bbqs and things like that. We're pretty close. I don't think we should but my husband thinks its okay.

What do you think?

Re: Too weird?

  • I see nothing wrong with is but I personally wouldn't be able to do it.
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  • imageIdani:
    Nora is pretty common, so I don't find it that odd.nbsp; I think Nora Louise is a beautiful name.nbsp; Ultimately you have to do what you find comfortable but I don't think it's bad or would I nbsp;allow it to not let me use a name I loved.nbsp;

    I agree. Ask them how they feel about if it really worries you.
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

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  • I don't think it's really weird, but I wouldn't do it. I would worry about confusion when the kids get older if you guys stay close. My new husbands group of friends is pretty close & it can get a little confusing with a Carl, Carlie & Carlin running around.
    BFP 4/3/07 EDD 11/23/07 MC 7/20/07 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'd run it by them and if they don't have any objections then go for it! I imagine both Noras will have several years between them but if you see each other a lot I'm not sure I'd use the same name as their daughter.
  • I don't think it's weird, but I couldn't do it. I agree to run it by them.
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  • I ran into this issue, too. I was a nanny for a few years and I fell in love the name of one of the kids I cared for. I feel kind of weird about it though, even though we don't see them a whole lot, and decided to leave it off my list. 
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  • I asked them about it and they said go for it. The kids will be almost five years apart. We adore the name and its the best pairing we've found for Louise. And I love that its not cutesy and its classic and will age well. Thanks for the advice!

    Boy or girl our child finally has a name. : I'm thrilled!
  • Glad they're okay with it.  Nora's on my list too.  Well, Norah with an h, only because for some reason, it looks softer to me that way. 

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  • That is kind of a tough one.  I am not sure that I would do it, but I wouldn't side eye someone else doing it.
    O 10.08 & MJ 6.10
  • Personally I wouldn't do it.
  • NL105NL105 member
    A girl I graduated HS with just named her latest daughter Nora. It's NMS but I don't see anything wrong with it. I think it's one of those names that are making a slow come back.
  • Its a great name, if they are cool with it I say go for it
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