Working Moms

FTM daycare ?

I've been lurking this board for awhile but now DD is 7 weeks and starts daycare tomorrow and I have questions.
What do you take to daycare daily and what do you leave with them long term? Do you leave a stock of diapers or only enough to get them through the day? Also if you breast feed do you send your milk frozen or do you prepare bottles for them? Do any of you leave formula with them just in case? Sorry if these are dumb questions I just feel so nervous about leaving her :/
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Re: FTM daycare ?

  • For my DS I would and a weeks worth of diapers every Monday. I also left a pack of wipes and diaper cream and replaced when it got low. I always made sure he also had at least one full change of clothes in case he had an accident.

    When he was breastfeeding, I took milk every morning, usually the milk i had pumped the day before and refrigerated. I sent it in the milk storage bags with the correct amount for feedings in each bag so it could be warmed, transferred to a bottle and fed with no waste. I usually sent one extra feeding and if it wasn't needed, it was the first to get used the next day. I did not send formula, but DS didn't take it at all, if he did I would have sent some.

    Daycares are usually really good about letting you know what they need. Don't be afraid to ask questions, I'm sure they're used to FTM s.
    Good luck!
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  • For the first day I brought a sleeve of diapers we buy the large boxes, a box of wipes, and diaper cream. The daycare lets us know when we are running low and we bring more. We also keep two changes of clothes there at all times. For milk, I bring 4 feedings worth of breast milk. 4 bottles for us is what she generally eats plus one extra. We usually have one bottle at the end of the day but a couple times she ate all four. I do not bring frozen BM and it is already in the bottle and just needs to be warmed. Don't forget to label everything including the bottle caps.

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  • It depends on the daycare.  One daycare I interviewed wanted bottles brought daily.  The one DS is in take frozen milk and you leave 2 bottles there for them to use.  My daycare gave me a list of things to bring.  DS has sunscreen, 2 changes of clothes, diaper rash cream, teething gel, tylenol, gripe water, jacket, and 2 bottles (I'm lucky that daycare washes these bottles daily).  He has a shest and blanket for his crib that I take home on Fridays, wash and bring back on Monday.  I buy a giant box of diapers and give daycare half, buy wipes in bulk and give daycare some, enough baby food for a week, and a tub of formula (DS is EFF).

    Hope this helps!

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  • No advice as my little guy starts for the first time tomorrow too...just wanted to wish you luck and send happy thoughts!
  • I buy diapers in bulk so we send a full sleeve (about 2 weeks worth) at a time. I send in 2 boxes of wipes and replace as needed, a tube of rash cream (still on the same tube as LO hasn't had a rash in over 8 months), and a tube of hand cream. I also have 2 full changes of clothing there and an extra sweat shirt for cooler days. My baby had a lot of blowouts until solids were introduced, so lots of extra clothing was a necessity. 

    For milk, I send it in prepared (and labeled bottles). Typically they normal amount he eats, plus one extra smaller bottle just in case. DC cannot store frozen milk. 

    Ask the DC what they want and how much space they have to store things. 

  • They should tell you what you are expected to bring. We keep diapers, Wipes, butt cream, multiple changes of clothes (infant room she had a lot of changes) and a pacifier. We had to bring bottles daily already made. They didn't want us bringing bibs or blankets. Like pp's mentioned if we are low on anything they mark it on our daily sheet of what's needed. I bring a sleeve of diapers and also keep a container for wipes so I just bring in the refill packs. 

    Lillian April 17, 2012
  • Thanks ladies! I feel a little less anxious now. The only thing they really told me was to bring extra clothes and no blankets. They have the ability to store frozen milk and just basically said to do whatever I wanted in regards to how I brought it.
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  • Netty_3Netty_3 member

    When LO was an infant this si what we did, and I think is expected by most DCs..

    Long term: sleeve of diapers, package of wipes, with a reusable box, (I couldn't EBF) a container of formula just in case, (when he got older we also left snacks for him, like a box of cheerios applesauce, or crackers), dipaer cream, sunscreen, 2 changes of clothes, a hat for winter, a sun hat for summer, mittens,

    Weekly: sheets (2 sets), 1 swaddler or sleep sack when he got older

    Daily: New bottles ready to go, and food when he was older and eating his own lunch.

     Good luck! Don't forget to label her clothes and things you keep there for her like blankets and sheets.

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