My mom brought me over Keebler cookies. The ones that are like samoas. I read the label and saw it contained peanuts. I didn't throw them out because I love samoas. We ate a few and I put them high up in the cupboard. After lunch there was only one left and I left it in the package on the counter pushed way back where ds can't reach assuming dh would snarf it down within minutes.
I went upstairs to clean and left ds with dh. Dh not paying much attention in the other room. I came downstairs to find a stool and an empty package. I ask dh if he ate last cookie and he said no. Ds admitted eating it.
I freaked. But no signs so a reaction. Wtf? What do I do, call 911, watch him? Call dr? Argh minutes go by and nothing. Last reaction was instant with hives, anaphylaxis, epi pen, etc.
so I read the label on the cookies hoping maybe it was just made in a plant. But no, it was right there, partially defatted peanut flour. Um, how is that different? So I google. Turns out this is the stuff they used in the study to build up tolerance in allergy peanut kids . It's a flour made by taking away the oils and using the meat of it. It's a fraction of a peanut. The kids in the study increased consumption until they could tolerate real peanuts.
I am not calmed by all of this. So I ask ds who is 4 If his throat feels itchy and he says yes. So we give a dose of Benadryl and head to th ER. No reaction. My severely allergic kid is fine after eating a cookie with a form of peanuts in it.
ER checks out and says we're fine and sends us home. I mean, wtf are the odds? Ds must've had his guardian angel looking over him yesterday.
Me, I'm still a mess because as you know scares like this jolt you back into our scary reality. Not paying attention, letting cookies on the counter, could've turned out so much worse. We talk to him about not eating things without mommy or daddy saying its safe, but a cookie was too much temptation.
Stay safe, hug your little ones and never let your guard down.