March 2013 Moms

Play time?

I know that she's only 2 months old and there is a fine line with overstimulation but I also want to make sure LO is getting enough and the right kind of activity to develop well. What all and how much are you doing with your babies?

She's awake for longer stretches between naps and I often feel like I should be entertaining her. We try and do as much tummy time as we can but she really hates it. She will lay on her back under the activity mat for longer and looks into this snail toy that doubles as a mirror and plays music. Ill prop her up on her Boppy Lounger and talk to her and try to make her smile. And sometimes she's just content to sit in her swing for a while.

I'm most worried ab her getting enough tummy time to learn to roll over. Usually it's 2 min and then she's screaming her head off.

I also feel partly crazy for worrying about how to entertain my 2 month old. I mean she's 2 months old. I think this may be a little bit of me doubting if I'm doing this whole Mommy thing right! Oy! What are you guys doing with the awake time you have?

Re: Play time?

  • I try to read at least 2 stories a day to him.  He doesn't always pay attention but the teacher in me insists that he be exposed to literacy early!  He LOVES the activity mat.  We walk and talk.  I am trying to see if he'll grip some toys now even though he doesn't hold on yet. I put him in his crib & let him look at his mobile.  That's about it.  It's a hard age, I think...they're not doing/taking in a whole lot yet.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We do a lot of the same things... Activity mat, tummy time (my DS tolerates it well but mostly likes to lay there and suck on his newly discovered hand), and bouncy seat.  We take a daily walk in the stroller around the neighborhood also.  Sometimes if I have things around the house that I need to get done, I'll put him in the bouncy seat and move him to where he can see me and I'll talk to him about what I'm doing (loading the dishwasher, folding clothes, etc.).  He also seems to be happiest on his changing table, for some reason, so we really take our time with diaper and clothing changes (I will wipe his face/neck with warm washcloth, clip his nails, blow raspberries on his belly, etc.).
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  • imagemichelleb729:
    We do a lot of the same things... Activity mat, tummy time (my DS tolerates it well but mostly likes to lay there and suck on his newly discovered hand), and bouncy seat.  We take a daily walk in the stroller around the neighborhood also.  Sometimes if I have things around the house that I need to get done, I'll put him in the bouncy seat and move him to where he can see me and I'll talk to him about what I'm doing (loading the dishwasher, folding clothes, etc.).  He also seems to be happiest on his changing table, for some reason, so we really take our time with diaper and clothing changes (I will wipe his face/neck with warm washcloth, clip his nails, blow raspberries on his belly, etc.).

    I do this, too. I mostly just talk to him and we smile back and forth. Sometimes we'll go to the window or go outside and look at the trees. I think as long as you're interacting with them and they're not alone in a silent, blank room, they're probably ok.

    That being said, I have an ever-present worry in the back of my mind that I'm not doing the right activities with LO, or that I'm not in his face enough as I have to pee, shower, fix food, etc... I think it's likely unnecessary mommy guilt, though Wink 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I have the same worries. I try to remind myself that even just lying on his blanket looking around the room and kicking his little legs is pretty darn entertaining for such a young baby. Also, I find that when he has some time to himself, that is when he starts cooing and trying out new noises.

    When I do "entertain" him, I usually read him baby books and let him look at the pictures, talk/sing to him, play with his hands and feet,  read him my own book (he likes to watch my mouth move when I talk sometimes), and bring him around the house to look at the artwork on the walls. My husband does photography, so he gets a kick out of it when LO seems mesmerized by his photos.

    It is easy to overstimulate these LOs. Whenever we have people visit (ahem, ILs), they tend to be in his face a lot and he gets fussy really quickly.

  • AnneleaAnnelea member

    We do a lot of the same things... Activity mat, tummy time (my DS tolerates it well but mostly likes to lay there and suck on his newly discovered hand), and bouncy seat.  We take a daily walk in the stroller around the neighborhood also.  Sometimes if I have things around the house that I need to get done, I'll put him in the bouncy seat and move him to where he can see me and I'll talk to him about what I'm doing (loading the dishwasher, folding clothes, etc.).  He also seems to be happiest on his changing table, for some reason, so we really take our time with diaper and clothing changes (I will wipe his face/neck with warm washcloth, clip his nails, blow raspberries on his belly, etc.).



    Pretty much this also, he also hates tummy time, some days he is happy to just hang out in his crib by himself and i feel guilty that im not interacting with him enough.  but then again maybe he is glad his momma finally shut up and left him be! 

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