March 2013 Moms

Bottled vs Tap Water

For those who are feeding their LO formula, do you use tap or bottled water?

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Re: Bottled vs Tap Water

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    I only do the occasional bottle but I do bottled and or boiled tap depending on if we're out and about or not.
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    ebn835ebn835 member
    We use distilled. I think tap water is not good due to possible bacteria, as well as the fluoride. I read it in Baby 411.
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    Lex703Lex703 member
    I buy nursery water.
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    We just use tap water....

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    rm2013rm2013 member
    We asked our pedi this as we had to do a little supplementing in the first few weeks. She said that boiled or nursery water was not necessary, and that we can just use filtered water from the fridge dispenser. Or a Brita if you dont have a built in dispenser.
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    We use distilled. I think tap water is not good due to possible bacteria, as well as the fluoride. I read it in Baby 411.

    Yeah, and it depends on where you live, too. The tap water here is nasty. I don't even give it to my cat.  

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    We just use tap water filtered through a Brita pitcher.

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    Boiled tap water at home. If we run out of water when we're away from home, we will use bottled water.
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    It depends on where you live. My ped said our tap water was fine. 
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    tig594tig594 member

    Tap (city) water here, too.  Pedi approved.  I read somewhere you should just run the faucet on cold (before moving it to warm) for 30 seconds or so and your tap water should be fine.  I'm sure it also depends on where you live.  I don't think I'd give LO well water without boiling it, though.

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    We asked our pedi this as we had to do a little supplementing in the first few weeks. She said that boiled or nursery water was not necessary, and that we can just use filtered water from the fridge dispenser. Or a Brita if you dont have a built in dispenser.

    This. We just use the water from the fridge. Or you can get one of those Pur filters that attaches to the tap, that's what my friend did.
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    The instructions from the hospital said we can use any water we deem safe for drinking.  In this case, with municipal water, we are using straight tap.  I think our instructions even say NOT to use bottled water.  Some have added minerals, etc.
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    Rhea77Rhea77 member
    We have well water at our house, so I won't use that. I buy the gallons of distilled water from the baby aisle.
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