March 2013 Moms


I just wanted to check in and see how Ella was doing.  I know you said in previous posts that she suffered from severe reflex and had chocking spells where you had to manually clear her passage ways.  Has it gotten better?  I can't imagine having to go through this everyday!  It happened to Jack last night and it was so scary... you are one strong mama! Hang in there and I hope little Ella is doing better! 
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Re: vmihelci

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    I'm so sorry to hear!! Is Jack okay? Was he able to clear it himself? I hate that any baby has to go through something like that. Ella is still struggling but I feel like we are getting it under control. It is happening less frequently and she is able to clear it herself more often now. Plus I have gotten really good at the baby Heimlich and can end the situation quickly. It's still just as scary every time though and I'm really struggling to get any sleep because I am so paranoid. She is STTN now and I am barely getting a few hours! It's becoming a problem and I've made an appointment with a professional to help myself get over this constant fear and possible PPD or PTSD.

    I really hope your son is alright. Thank you so much for asking about Ella! It feels so wonderful to know we are thought of.
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