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Caleb Kenneth ??
Kenneth is in honor of my father-in-law who passed away last June.
If your last name starts with a K sound, the alliteration could be too much.
Otherwise, I think it's nice! And it's great that you're honoring your FIL that way.
I like it and love the sentiment!
I don't get worked about alliteration unless you're picking Allie Allison or something ridiculous.
H and all 5 of his sibs have alleterative names it's never been a big deal, issue, got comments or whatever.
Dislike Caleb and I don't think it flows well. I like the sentiment of using Kenneth as a mn, but I'd pair it with a different fn. Ideas:
Jacob Kenneth
Noah Kenneth
Michael Kenneth
Re: What do you ladies think of......
If your last name starts with a K sound, the alliteration could be too much.
Otherwise, I think it's nice! And it's great that you're honoring your FIL that way.
"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou
~ Auntie to L: 2013 and Peanut: EDD 11/2014 ~
I like it and love the sentiment!
I don't get worked about alliteration unless you're picking Allie Allison or something ridiculous.
H and all 5 of his sibs have alleterative names it's never been a big deal, issue, got comments or whatever.
Dislike Caleb and I don't think it flows well. I like the sentiment of using Kenneth as a mn, but I'd pair it with a different fn. Ideas:
Jacob Kenneth
Noah Kenneth
Michael Kenneth
Natural m/c: 10/17/11
Me (Katie)
DH (Adam
Married 10/11/12
TTC #1 since 3/12