Natural Birth

I'm wondering?

Have any of you ladies had a home birth? How was it? what should I do to prepare any advise is awesome on this matter i have done most of my homework but nothing beats some words of wisdom from a vet. :)
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Re: I'm wondering?

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    love4blove4b member

    I gave birth to my daughter at home on April 5th and it was amazing. I really wouldn't have changed a thing. In terms of advise, I would say first and foremost, find a midwife that you feel very comfortable with and who you trust. Also, make sure everyone there is really positive and totally supportive of your choices. In terms of the contractions, it helped me to focus on getting to the breaks, I kept telling myself that I could do anything for a minute or two and knowing that there would be a break at the end of each was really helpful.

    Here's a link to my birth story if you're interested :)


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    I did. I loved every minute of it. You can't do enough research, really you can't. Like PP said, I think the best thing is having a good support system. My DH was my rock. He made me calm, he encouraged me, and he was there every second. He knew exactly what I wanted and made sure that I was hear and was taken care of.
    Mommy to Emery Vera 5.20.12  Blog
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    Thank you guys so much I found a MW and being in a new area making sure I can find everything I need has been a little harder then I thought but I'm happy I made the choice to have my son at home and knowing others have done it and had a positive experience makes this process easier. 
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