Attachment Parenting

Does Sling color matter for heat?

This might be a dumb question, but I'm doing it anyway. I've decided on a maya sling, and I have no local vendors so I have to buy online and don't really have a sense of the weight of the fabric. I've narrowed my choices down to plum or black. The plum is pretty, but I might be leaning toward black because I wear a ton of black and I will be wearing the baby at work and want to be as discreet as possible (I'm in my office a lot, but don't need the fanfare brought on by a baby in a bright floral sling if I go to the bathroom or out for a walk). Would a black sling be horrifically hot? much more so than some light color? Would plum be even slightly better? I'm considering buying two, one for work and one for out and about, but that might be silly.

Re: Does Sling color matter for heat?

  • sorry I'm BRAND NEW just testing the waters, but I was thinking of suggesting two. black for work, and something lighter for outside. But it would also be dependent on when you're due. (I'm due in August so the majority of the heat will be gone pretty soon after).
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  • I have the Maya wrap in green and the fabric is pretty heavy. It's NBD here because summers are pretty cool, but if you're in a very warm climate you might want something lighter, or at least not black.
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  • I don't know that color matters as much as the fabric type. Look for something linen, it's much lighter weight and breathable. 100% cotton is good too, but heavier. Sometimes you can get a mix, say 60% linen, 40% cotton. 100% hemp would be probably much too warm for what you are looking for. All the fabrics I mentioned are still going to be strong, but the type of material choice will just be more breathable... and like previous poster advised, you may want more than one... :) I haven't bought one yet but I am pretty sure that I will have several... :D Best wishes and Happy babywearing!


    Growing our Princess BabyBee, eta 08.23.13 & we are sooo excited!!

    Loving my HoneyBee since 07.03.04 ???


  • OK so found out, they are 100% cotton so should be peachykeen Wink


  • Thanks for all the great feedback. In my researching materials I started looking more at the Sakura bloom linen slings, now I'm more undecided than ever! We do live in a really warm climate, linen might be nice, but if i go with a Sakura I really cant justify 2 colors. Decisions, descisions.
  • The regular Maya wrap is 100% cotton, but it is a heavy thick cotton with a thick padded shoulder. I would go with a thinner, lighter weave fabric if you're in a warm climate. I think that you can get Maya wraps in other fabrics (like linen) but it might be worth it to splurge on a Sakura. I only have one, I just picked a colour that goes with my favourite outfits. My buckle carrier is black so that's the back up, but if Im wearing her out I usually pick an outfit that works with the sling.
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  • I'm so excited, I just found a plum Sakura Bloom wrap Simple linen style (double layer) for $100 shipped, no tax :) I think that's good, right? It's the one that's $148 on the Sakura website. 
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