March 2013 Moms

Csection overhang

Does anyone else have the dreaded csection overhang above their scar? WTF! I was hoping it would go away when my swelling went down but my LO is 7 weeks old and its still hanging around! I am working out so hard and eating right but it doesn't seem to be going away! Please someone give me some good news that eventually this will go away, because other csection mom's I talked to say theirs is still hanging around!

Re: Csection overhang

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    I didn't have it last time or this time.
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    I have it as well...

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    I got it the first time and although it is better this time it is still very pronounced. It makes me sad all the time. It is very difficult to find the right combination of clothes to disguise it. At least in Canada a tummy tuck can be covered for c section moms cuz I could not live with this for the rest of my life
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    I have it as well.  It's getting smaller as I lose weight.  I had a little bit of extra weight before the pregnancy low on my tummy that I was working to tone up/lose so I'm not sure if this affected how bad the overhang was in the beginning.
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    A little over 8 weeks here, and I've still got it. I think part of the problem is loose skin, but I still have ~8 lbs to lose (the first 18 slid right offSad). They SAY it'll tighten up eventually with lots of water and exercise usually, but... Idk. I'm just going to hope and give it more time. It's barely been 2 months, after all. 
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    I have it too. Don't see it going anywhere soon...

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    I have it also.  I was just hoping it was because I haven't quite lost all of my baby weight yet.
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    AnneleaAnnelea member

    Yes, i have it also!  ugh,  weigh less now than before i was pregnant but everything is just so different, misshapen and weird.


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    I had a c-section with my first child almost 6 years ago and still have it. (My last two were VBAC's). Since this was our last child, I'm going to really try to work on getting rid of it. I know this lady is kind of controversial - some people like her and some don't - but I bought the Tracy Anderson Post Pregnancy Workout from Amazon. I have only been doing it for about a week now so I haven't noticed anything yet. But the reviews on Amazon are very promising. She claims that she will get your skin to come back to the muscle with the moves she does. It's not easy, I tried it the first time at two weeks pp and realized I wasn't quite ready yet. I even had a hard time completing some of the moves when I started it a week ago but after doing the video I feel like I'm able to complete the moves better as I go. Good luck, I know it stinks! My body is just not the same after children.
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    tilsonctilsonc member
    I had vag delivery, but I can't say my stomach looks any better! I just have a gut that I wish would go away. :( I still have 25lbs to lose!!
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    I'm just shy of 10 weeks postpartum and its finally started shrinking in the last few days. I absolutely hate it!! That gross fat shelf hangs out more than my post baby stomach!! No one warned me about it so I was pretty shocked to see that nasty bulge post c...
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    Same here...and no warning. I had no idea this would happen. Slightly depressing I might add. :-(
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    er32585er32585 member

    Yeah...I've accepted that somethings will not go away body wise. I had a flat taut stomach before my almost 10lb baby boy. I also have the slight overhang. I am going to work out to try to tone & tighten it even though I am almost back to my ideal weight.


    Husband has promised I can have a procedure if I desire to do so after I am done having kids. 

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    Rhea77Rhea77 member

    Mine is horrible! I have a lot of loose skin, probably because I had twins and got HUGE. I tried jogging the other day and it hurt because all the extra skin started needs it's own bra!!!!! I suspect a tummy tuck at some point in my future.

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