
Update on GuitaristsGirl

Hey girls,

?I just wanted to briefly update you on Beth (GuitaristsGirl), who as many of you know posted a few days ago that she has a severe case of HELLP syndrome. ?She sent me an email to let all of us know that she delivered her precious angel babies yesterday, at 19 weeks. ?She is still in the hospital, recovering from delivery, but hopes to be home by this weekend. ?She is surrounded by love and support from family, and thanks all of you for your warm thoughts and prayers as well. ??

As seen in previous posts - ?Schmoodle is kindly accepting donations for a gift, to be sent at some point in the future. ?I am going to get a gift basket over to the hospital she's at here in Nashville today, and I will sign it from the Nesties. ?If anyone is interested in sending Beth a card, I'd be happy to collect them and then drop them by her house. ?Email me if you'd like my address to send them to:

kleniski AT gmail DOT com

Hugs, prayers, and thoughts to Beth during this tragic time for her and her family,




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