Anyone tried it? Think its helpful?
TTC since 1/2008
BFP 7/2009 m/c
BFP 9/2009 m/c
Clomid IUI 12/2010, 1/2011, 2/2011 All BFN
IVF #1 6/2011 BFN, no frosties
IVF #2 2/2012 BFPDD born 10/2012FET 9/3/2013 BFN, no more frosties
IVF # 3 11/3/13 Canceled after retrieval d/t severe OHSS, 3 frosties
FET #3 2/2014 BFP Twins!
B/G Twins born 9/2014 at 36w4d

Re: Elimination Communication
i would totally be interested in learning more about this! LOL I'm a teacher so I'll be home with a one year old this summer and I can't say that I'm not going to be trying to move things along...
i'm gonna do me some googling!
I have not done a lot of it, but just the baby steps. DD is in daycare all day, so they don't have time to communicate with her like that, but I make sure that when I see that she is about to poop, I talk to her about it, if I can't get her to a potty. Also, if I'm holding her and feel her diaper get warm (IE: she pees), I make a comment like A's going potty, she's all wet, etc. just to get that association with the words, potty, poo poo, pee pee, and toots, if necessary, lol..
I am trying to get her to the potty when I know she's about to poop, but so often it's when she's eating! I can't get the bib off, food down, out of high chair, etc without her going crazy, so i just do what i can.
Way back in the day they made a high chair with a built in potty!! I even saw one in person at a antique store not so long ago! So funny!
this is pretty much us too..started taking dd at 5 weeks and noticed that by 6 weeks she would go on cue if she had to go. Some days she even wakes up dry in the morning! We are having a little regression right now bc of her crawling, but I highly recommend.