My 10.5 month old has been waking up approx 3-4 times per night the last two weeks. I thought it would get better on its own but it still hasn't. He is not hot or cold and doesn't need a change. The only way I can get him to bed is by giving him a bottle. I know he is not hungry enough to eat a ton during the day like he does and three times at night. He used to only wake up once to eat. My DH thinks I should just have him CIO at night. We used CIO to get him to sleep for naps and bed time and that worked well. I am just nervous to do it over night for some reason. Any one do that with their LO and it worked? TIA
Re: Support
DD has been going through this too-- so many things it could be. Teething for sure. Growth spurt. Learning a new skill.
DD only cries when something is wrong- so for me to let her CIO is hard. But that's just me.
Do you feed him at night? if so, how much? How much does he eat during the day?