Wouldst thou carest for a recap of thine unpopular opinions? Then let us begineth!
acaudill75 thinks rompers can be cute on adults. Controversial. I don't personally care for them, and think the bodies they look good on would look good in just about anything. Also discussion of how one pees in a romper.
kiraliz thinks color runs are dumb. Lot of discussion on them. My take: I feel like most of us are not in their target demograpic. I actually view them as sort of athletic daytime raves for fit college kids. I presume a lot of exchanging numbers and hooking up goes on at them. I think if you're 30 years old, married and have children and are really into them, you're kinda weird.
jme515 is sick of mustaches on everything. I'm pretty sure even hipsters have mostly moved on from the mustache thing. Popular, except maybe ironic mustaches on babies (which was controversial).
-There also was discussion of timed 5k races vs. fun runs for just fun vs. for charity.
Re: Ye Olde UO Recap(eth)
I'm really not 'into' the color runs, but I did enjoy the race. It was still competitive for me considering it was my first race outside of just my lonesome run.
(Page 2)
shanado likes jean shorts for women and posted a picture of some of the least attractive jorts I've ever seen (sorry). Those look like something girls would wear on a church mission trip somewhere hot in order to not be too "indecent".
Scout2005 doesn't like the beach. Controversial.
MrsGoodkat doesn't like "little man" theme parties that incorporate fake mustaches (I'm gonna count this as a separate UO).
missyishere claims that blondes don't have more fun in one of the admittedly lamest UOs ever. Yet people chimed in. As someone who brunettes call "blonde" and who blondes refuse to accept as one of their own (I have dark eyebrows), I think we should just all agree that everyone is hot. and has fun.
beccaga16 was unimpresed by San Francisco. I think she probably didn't have friends to show her around. It's one of those cities where the coolest stuff is not obvious and out in the open.
Mom2Oli thinks there should be beaches without sand, since she hates sand but loves the water. She shoudl go to San Francisco! The "beaches" there are all rocks.
(end page 2)
Missy, this is not why you're a weirdo, by any stretch.
I am doing one this summer Missy. My mom, my sister, our friend and her mom all want to do it so I said "sign me up." I will be weird with you.
Page 3:
collenb262 wore a catsuit in the summer when she had a rockin' bod.
collenb262 also thinks if someone throws a baby or bridal shower at their house, they should have enough places for the guests to sit. This seems like more of a vent/rant, and I would not expect it to be unpopular at all.
elmoali doesn't think crossing guards need to be at four way lighted intersections that have walk signals. I'm going to tell you a story about a friend of mine. He open enrolled to my high school rather than the one he was supposed to go to based on where he lived, on the border between the two. Every morning he crossed a 4 way lighted intersection to catch a bus to school. One morning, crossing with a walk signal, he got plowed into by a truck making a left turn... one of those left turns must yield on green situations. He ended up in the hospital for a couple days, had to get pins in his shoulder that are still there, and has permanent scarring in his shoulder that smashed into the guy's windshield.... Crossing Guards help make sure cars do what they are supposed to do. I do agree they shouldn't be stopping traffic on greens though? :P
katem3277 thinks baby showers should only be for first babies (pretty sure that's popular around here), and should not ask people to travel. For travelling, I think it's nice to invite people who might live long distance... you are not obligated to go if you can't make it.
Sounds good to me.
Was there more to that sentence? I got distracted.
Who doesn't love SF? That gives me the sads
The city is so frickin big that there's something to do for everyone. You like to eat, right? Maybe shop? Cable cars are fun!
Okay, phew.
Wait a second...
Page 4:
Little Jerry dislikes a lot of viral videos others love, like the elaborate proposal video (sweet, but kinda meh to me) and the dancing in to Chris Brown. Here's my obligatory poor taste joke: I kind of wish the groomsmen had proceeded to pretend to pound the crap out of the bridesmaids at the end. Y'know, cuz Chris Brown is a perpetrator of domestic assault and abuse who should be in jail, not rich and successful. Every morning I wake up and wish I could read the news "Chris Brown beaten up; no one lifts a finger to help him." I hate him so much.
-There was discussion of awesome viral videos. Honey Badger and Bed Intruder are the best. Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo wife, Hide Yo Husband!
Libby1978 doesn't think oral is necessarily part of a healthy sex life. Controversial, but as long as everyone is happy, what you do in your marital bed, couch, shower, etc is your bidness.
AshPal61 can't stand Pink (the singer). Controversial. There are some Pink lovers around here. I don't feel strongly about her either way. She's ok.
-redheads have no souls. My poor, poor DS
Ooh, these are some good ones too. I guess my dislike for viral videos is more limited than I thought.
I just could not roll my eyes harder if I attended the Chris Brown dance wedding.
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-discussion, mostly beach and Pink
Page 6:
Yes, beaches by lakes are still beaches, Pffft. I'm personally a little torn on rivers though.
bearfootz likes morning sex. High five!
msd-rdg hates it when people have a personal and professional FB page and XP and share their own stuff. It does seem to defeat the purpose of separate pages.
mrs_sexy detests Mother's Day, mostly cuz her DH's birthday is almost always around that day.
BlueDevilLady is cynical with regards to running for causes. -If you want to support Cancer research, the American Cancer Society is great. There are others that do a lot to support cancer survivors. I've mentioned before how I think Breast Cancer gets a little too much attention compared to other cancers, although I think it's more a case of other cancers deserving more attention, not necessarily Breast Cancer deserving less.
LuckyDad thinks the NFL Draft and offseason get too much attention relative to the NBA/NHL playoffs and MLB season.
Mom2Oli hates long quote trees. POPULAR! (but trimming is a HUGE PAIN on mobile :P)
My bad. I was thinking of criticizing women's fashion, but decided to go "manly" this morning.
Okay, I guess I understood, then. I just didn't get it, lol.
Page 7:
redwood807 can't get behind 90% of fashion trends and doesn't like Taylor Swift. I have to say, "Twenty Teeeeeeeeeeewwww" is a terrible, terrible song.
missyishere needs to visit the ocean in the near future.
GWDouglas hopes her child has red hair and blue eyes to piss off her MIL. More of a confession, I think.
-redhead discussion
Oh, I agree. I shall make a UO about that.
Page 8:
pghmortdoll doesn't like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. But she is an indulgent wife.
-women with dark hair and light eyes are the hottest. Sorry. I *might* be contractually obligated to say this, despite dating blue eyed blondes for a large chunk of my dating "career".
Luckie519 points out that beer runs are awesome. Although, often vomit-inducing, at least in my experience. Not a UO, but still worth recapping for me.
EVA116 thinks most art is way over priced. I'm torn. I know how much work goes into some paintings, and if the artist tries to create something nice rather than just mass produce, it could easily be 10-20 hours of work. Also bear in mind most one of a kind items are priced so that you only have to find the ONE person willing to pay that much.
ashleysyn2 is not impressed by Essie nail polish. Shows what she gets for trusting Pinterest.
Page 9:
- Go Local Sports Team!
- it's hard being pale
Holls2011 thinks dieting is stupid, and often just a temporary fix. Especially fad diets.
LuckyDad thinks people using their local sports team as a way to express regional pride is rather uninteresting.
Yay, I'm caught up!
SAHMs is mostly Homemade gifts (pro or con), the ethics of RSVPing No to parties, smocked clothes and John-Johns.
I really need to bookmark the "good" BMBs.
Without commenting on any particular board, things seem to get interesting in the BMBs in the third trimester. Not shockingly, they often die down tremendously as the babies come out for the first couple months of life.
Ack, who said that??
<--- hella weird
Are you hella from the Bay Area, hella?
Doesn't matter; made recap.... Still Counts!
No one said it in seriousness.
Psh, my H will openly admit to having no soul, although, that has nothing to do with his hair color.
I just went lurking on some BMBs and think many have recently figured out how to GIF because there were a lot of GIFs. A lot.
October 2013 dissed Candy Crush Saga...please, ladies. It's only a matter of time before you get sucked in, too.
But what about Macklemore's "My Oh My!"? Great song about the M's, Seattle and growing up to baseball. And yes... I brought up Macklemore again.
I pity Mariners fans. Your team falls into the category of "You gotta be a true fan to support them".
I've dissed Candy Crush Saga before. I refuse to pay and refuse to go social. So therefore I finished the game, at level 35. There are no other levels beyond that.
Oh, LD,, I thought you meant someone said YOUR Ds didn't have a soul specifically. I was like uhh Whaaa???
My cousin posted on FB a meme that said Redheads get a new freckle for every soul they steal. I told my cousin I have a freckle on the bottom of my foot with his name on it! Then I can stomp on his soul whenever the mood strikes
Just admit you don't have the skillz.
Oh please.I made it through those levels without much trouble, except that one 4x4x4 grid level (33?) I actually appreciated the difficulty level, just not the Pay or Facebook aspect.
We all know how important size is to you.
I love women who know it all but have never actually done it.
I had an elective c section with DD1, and then a failed epidural during a VBAC with DD2. I hope that woman feels even a tenth of the pain I felt during my VBAC. She'll be screaming to get stuck.
I love women who know it all but have never actually done it.
I had an elective c section with DD1, and then a failed epidural during a VBAC with DD2. I hope that woman feels even a tenth of the pain I felt during my VBAC. She'll be screaming to get stuck.