Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Repost from June 2012: Sleep question

Can you/should you sleep train while in the middle of a wonder week? I'm not opposed to CIO however, hubby is.....

Parker is typically and amazing sleeper, so I don't like to complain when he has an off night, as I know some LOs don't sleep we'll at all! But the last two weeks have been rough and this past week even worse!

He wakes several times and just screams! He stands and full on screams. I used to be able to just lay him down again and rub his back for a few minutes and that was enough, but not anymore. The only thing he wants is for me or DH to hold him.  When we do take him out, his head goes right on our shoulder and he goes back to sleep (until he wakes again).

Question: I'm afraid that if we keep giving in and picking him up he'll get used to this and start a bad habit....thoughts? Or is this something that will solve itself after the WW is over?

 As I posted last night, he just started walking, so I know that is the real culprit here!

any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated! 

Our TTC Journey
TTC #1: May 2011
BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

TTC #2: September 2018
Me: 36 | DH: 39
Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

Re: Repost from June 2012: Sleep question

  • I say as long as they aren't sick go for it.  Get a video monitor and start Ferberizing. Our son is mostly a good sleeper, but we had to make some adjustments to his sleeping arrangements which necessitated a bit of sleep training.  It really wasn't bad (so far). Could he be teething? Maybe try Motrin before bed, too.
  • imagecedenton:
    I say as long as they aren't sick go for it.  Get a video monitor and start Ferberizing. Our son is mostly a good sleeper, but we had to make some adjustments to his sleeping arrangements which necessitated a bit of sleep training.  It really wasn't bad (so far). Could he be teething? Maybe try Motrin before bed, too.

    We have a video monitor, but I mean, he legit screams and there is no end in sight! 

    He was teething last week, cut 2 teeth at the same time this past saturday, but I don't see any others coming in.  I have given him tylenol in the middle of the night though and that seemed to help.  Maybe I'll buy some motrin and give that a shot tonight....  He was also sick last week too, but he's not anymore.

    My husband is against CIO and was getting really frustrated with me the last few nights when I'd let him go for a several minutes to see what he woud do.  Then I'd go in, lay him down and walk back out. 

    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1: May 2011
    BFP: 10/27/2011 |  EDD: 6/30/12
    DS born 6/28/12 via C/S 3 

    TTC #2: September 2018
    Me: 36 | DH: 39
    Mirena removed 9/13/2018 after 6 years
    BFP 11/11/2018 | MC @ 5.5 weeks on Thanksgiving
    July 2019 - Diagnosed with Secondary Unexplained IF
    August 2019 - 2.5 mg of Letrozole = Never Ovulated so Trigger and IUI were cancelled
    9/30/2019 - IUI #1 (5 mg of Letrozole + Trigger) =  BFP but Betas showed CP @ 4 weeks
    10/28/2019 - IUI #2 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Trigger) = BFN
    11/25/2019 - IUI #3 (7.5mg of Letrozole, Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    12/24/2019 - IUI #4 (7.5mg of Letrozole + Crinone after IUI) = BFN
    1/24/2020 - IUI #5 (50mg of Clomid + Trigger + Crinone after IUI) = BFN and an Ovarian Cyst
    3/2/2020 - Taking a break to reset/NTNP
    11/1/2020 - At peace with where things are in life and are no long actively TTC. Whatever happens will happen and it will all be okay. <3

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  • In January (I think my son was 7.5 months then) I did a round of hardcore sleep training because he had started waking up 1-2 times a night again. Within a few days, I got him to sleep through until sometime between 4-6 which is where he had been before the regression. I intended to keep this early morning waking/feeding until he was 9 months, but since he did so well with the other wakings and I was feeling brave, I went for it -- it happened to be the beginning of the worst wonder weeks he has had to date, but he did really well. It did take awhile to get him to stop waking at all during those hours, but we successfully weaned that feeding and within a couple of weeks he was sleeping until close to 7 or even later, every day without a problem. 

    The way I see it is, if they can learn to sleep well during wonder weeks, they will pretty much be able to sleep through anything. However, if you think he's teething, give him a dose of tylenol or motrin at bedtime and obviously if he wakes up and you think he's sick or in pain or truly hungry, you should tend to him. Good luck!

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  • imagejfresh:

    No, you aren't supposed to sleep train if baby is in the middle of a growth spurt, wonder week, teething, etc. According to SleepEasy you should actually wait a good week or two after the WW before you start sleep training.

    I have no advice though, DS does the same thing. Sleep training did not sovle this problem.

    I think it's all just so subjective, though.  You have no way of knowing when your child is in a WW, really.  They're estimated timeframes and sometimes could be a 4 wk or more window.

    If you're really that worried about it I suppose you could wait until there's a "sunny" period, but other than not doing it when sick or clearly cutting teeth I'm not sure there's ever a perfect time. 

    I suggest trying the Ferber method first.  Then, if the check-ins are making him more upset you may need to full extinction.

    If your husband is against it, though, you should talk it over and try to come to some agreement.

    Also, I'm not quite on this board yet (LO is 8 months) so I'm not having to deal with the standing thing, yet, so take my input for what you will.   

  • imagejfresh:

    No, you aren't supposed to sleep train if baby is in the middle of a growth spurt, wonder week, teething, etc. According to SleepEasy you should actually wait a good week or two after the WW before you start sleep training.

    I have no advice though, DS does the same thing. Sleep training did not sovle this problem.

    I've read this too, but if you think about it, they are pretty much always in a wonder week, teething or growth spurting during the first year, and sleep training only gets more difficult as they get older and more opinionated. 

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