Babies: 9 - 12 Months

bumps on legs

Dd has these red hard tiny bumps all over the backs of her calves and thighs..its not bothering her at all I'm just curious as to what it could be. Anybody know what it could be? Dosentnlook like exzema or psoriasis.
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Re: bumps on legs

  • heat rash?

    do they seem to bother her?

    DD gets patches. of dry skin and such.. she has a little eczema but had a couple bumps on her arms the other day. I am going to pedi monday and finding out whats up with her baby skin  

  • It could be Keretosis Pilarias (sp??) Do you ahve little red bumps on teh back of your legs (or arms). I do and the derm told me 50% of my children will have it. In kids it can even show up on the face

    Just throwing it out there...hard to tell without seeing it.

    DS also gets little red dots on his face after DH kisses him due to his beard...hoping he shaves it not that it is summer time. 


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