Natural Birth

EPO Vaginally? Sorry for the duplicate subject...

Sorry,   I must have missed the post a little while down about EPO.  I did a search for "EPO" and not "evening." Sorry for being a lazy bumpy...

 Other tips on natural induction methods also appreciated.  I must go into labor on my own by May 15 and am starting to stress.  I know about pineapple core,  walking, sex, etc...but specific tips on what really worked well would be appreciated. TIA!  

 Ignore this part....

I asked my midwife about the benefits of taking EPO vaginally (as opposed to only orally) and she said that it doesn't make a difference, but that you can do both if you like. 

I've read online that vaginally is actually better.  What did your provider tell you? And what did you end up doing?

I've been taking 4500mg  orally daily since 37 weeks and now have a soft cervix and am 50% effaced.  Hoping for more progress on Friday!!  Fingers crossed for dilation! 

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