I only used what the hospital gave me during my recovery at the hospital. They sent me home with a generic brand (Geri-Care) of Colace. The drug Norco can cause constipation so thats why they were giving it to me. It didn't make me crampy or gassy. I didn't really need the Norco, just the Motrin, so I mainly took it to help with my 'rrhoids (TMI). I never thought to take a stool softener to clean things out...I don't know if you are even supposed to take stool softeners while pregnant unless you talk to your doctor first.
Whatever they gave me looked just like the generic Walmart ones. They only gave me one a day in the hospital which wasn't enough. I am still taking them 5 weeks later but also had another surgery back there a week after my c/s.
I had a generic of Colace and started them in the hospital. It took 5 days for my first BM, but there was no pain involved. I was so stressed out about my first BM, but it was no big deal!
With DS I started taking some kind of generic stool softener toward the end of my pregnancy (I had horrid constipation in the third tri with both kids). I couldn't eat as much fiber as I wanted with DS because I had GD, but if you don't have to worry about that, eat as much fiber as you can starting now and after your LO is born. I was able to order lots of whole grain foods and fruits/veggies in the hospital after both births, which I think really helped, and also drinking water constantly.
DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
I was on iron after my c/s because I lost too much blood, which made things 10 times worse. The hospital gave me colase, which did absolutely nothing. They eventually gave me milk of magnesia which is what finally got things moving.
I was given something like Colace with all three c/s but it did nothing. With my thrid c/s I had to take a suppository and I am glad I did. I was able to go within 30 minutes instead of waiting hours or days for other methods to work.
I was given colace in the hospital, but my OB said I could start taking it 1 week before the csection as a preventive measure. I didn't have any cramping or gassiness during that time.
I used Colace during pregnancy and post pregnancy for stool softener. I used Senokat as a laxative; I had major constipation during pregnancy. Also you can go to the local drug store and get a fleet enema so that you can have a bowel movement.
I started taking 2 of the Target brand 3 days prior to my RCS. It really helped, though I did have pretty bad gas. Day 2 (the day they removed the cath) I had gas, but walking around helped. Day 3 I actually had a BM (TMI) but it wasn't painful.
A few days after being home I had pretty bad bloating and gas, but I'm putting that more on the pain pills than the brand of stool softener.
With my first I didn't take anything until I was in the hospital and the days after were pretty uncomfortable.
Re: Suggestions for stool softeners from RCS moms?
I started taking 2 of the Target brand 3 days prior to my RCS. It really helped, though I did have pretty bad gas. Day 2 (the day they removed the cath) I had gas, but walking around helped. Day 3 I actually had a BM (TMI) but it wasn't painful.
A few days after being home I had pretty bad bloating and gas, but I'm putting that more on the pain pills than the brand of stool softener.
With my first I didn't take anything until I was in the hospital and the days after were pretty uncomfortable.