Attachment Parenting

Sleeping in an Ergo

When DS falls asleep on my back in the Ergo his head falls back or to the side and looks really uncomfortable. Is this a problem? I lean forward to get it to lay against my back but then I have to walk hunched forward which, as you can imagine, is no fun. Any suggestions?

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Re: Sleeping in an Ergo

  • If anyone is around to help you, get them to put the sleeping hood on. Or keep it pulled out and see if you can get it on yourself if he falls asleep. It does help hold the head a bit.
  • Thanks, I thought about that but of course I was alone and it was zipped in when he fell asleep earlier. I'll keep it out and see if I can get it on alone.

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  • I have a Chimparoo, so I don't know how the sleeping hood attaches on the ergo, but I leave the hood just tucked in the top so I can grab it. I attach it on one side only (the side behind the back of her head) and it supports it well.
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