I was going to get these Osocozy Better Fit Unbleached Prefolds: https://www.amazon.com/OsoCozy-Better-Unbleached-Prefolds-Infant/dp/B004FOWDKC/ref=br_it_dp_o_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=YFB95LAWS91K&coliid=I2V5Y2RIHTCK7Q
But then I saw that shipping for each package is $7, so these Osocozy Size 1 Prefolds would be cheaper: https://www.amazon.com/OsoCozy-Prefolds-Unbleached-Cloth-Diapers/dp/B003AJHDQW/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=IDD8CTUPLZ3X&coliid=I3EIHDGZ1AH0OY
Would the size 1 essentially be the same thing as the Better Fit? I also went into a local CD store, and they didn't have the Osocozy but she recommended Econobum. Thoughts on those? I'll be using Thirsties Duo Covers (size 1) to start with, if that makes a difference. (Sorry my links aren't clicky)
If you have a little more time, here are more details and questions - I'd love your feedback!:
I'm a FTM and diving right in with CD! I was planning to use BumGenius AIO since they're available in-store at BBB, but I've heard they don't really fit newborns that well, so we're getting some prefolds and covers to start with. A friend will probably be giving me some covers in the next size up that her son has outgrown, so now I'm wondering if it makes more sense to just stick with the prefolds....How long will size 1 fit? We do already have a couple BG AIOs, so I was thinking we could just hold off on buying any more until we try out both kinds and see what we like.
I was going to start out with either 18 or 24 prefolds, and 6 covers. Does that sound like enough? I'll be mostly working from home for quite a while, so frequent laundry isn't a huge problem.
Re: Prefolds ? from a Newb
Not sure about the Osocozy as we use GMD. We do have a few Econobum since I just wanted to try them. I didn't even start kinda using them until perhaps last week (LO is 7 weeks now). They are just so much bigger than my GMD, and bulkier. They're also narrower, so I'm finding that it's already harder to Snappi those than my GMD. Right, those are basically backup prefolds when I do laundry.
We have a couple BG4.0, and use them for overnight since it gives LO the stay dry feeling. He probably started fitting in those pretty well around 3ish weeks...? I personally love my prefolds, and we will probably be getting more of those.
Washing EOD you want 24 at least for a NB. At least my LO would always seem to wait for a fresh dipe to poop, so maybe we just go through them esp quick sometimes.
as for pockets, etc. I started out thinking I'd use nothing but prefolds with pockets or AIOs for daycare or babysitters. I LOVED them for newborn, but now I'm more of a fan of the pockets and AIOs myself...
DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
I use osocozy. The difference is that the size 1 will be a little bulkier on a newborn than the better fits. If you don't mind the bulk anyway, there's no reason why size 1 couldn't work for you if it's going to be cheaper anyway. Just make sure you snappi it closed tightly and you should be fine with either.
As for your questions, the size 1 fits until 15lbs which (if I remember correctly) should be a few months depending on how fast your LO grows. For my DS, I got bigger osocozy prefolds when he almost outgrew the size 1s. You can technically still use the smaller prefolds on a bigger baby; you just can't snappi them closed, and they're not as absorbant as bigger prefolds. We decided to use prefolds and covers with OS covers as it is cheaper than pockets and AIOs.
I recommend at least 30 prefolds and 6 newborn covers to wash every other day. A round 36 worked well for us as we had a big pooper during growth spurts. But 24 is a good number if you don't mind washing every day and a half.
Thanks! That's really helpful.
DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
BFP #2 03/08/11 EDD 11/16/11 DD Born on 11/04/11
BFP #3 08/29/12 EDD 05/06/13 M/C on 08/30/12
BFP #4 11/01/12 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C on 12/28/12
BFP #5 04/30/13 EDD 01/03/14 DS Born on 01/02/14
BFP #6 01/11/15 EDD 09/22/15 M/C 03/09/15
As PPs mentioned, the Econobum prefolds will be huge on a newborn - definitely don't expect to use those for the first 3 months at least. I've used them, but recommend OsoCozy or GMD in the larger sizes before Econobum.
I used the OsoCozy size 1s and really liked them. They will be a little long the first couple of weeks, but folding them down in the front or back before snappi-ing will make them fit into the cover fine.
6 covers should be more than enough - you could probably get away with 5. Personally I recommend at least 30 prefolds, if not 36, if you want to wash every other day. With 2 dozen you'll need to wash every day and a half. I would have had to wash every day if I only had had 18 and it still would have been tough to make sure we had enough diapers to use while doing laundry (we averaged 15 per day!).
I think your plan of seeing which you prefer - AIOs or prefolds - is a great idea. It's also fine, of course, if you end up using a mix. We use prefolds and pockets (and the occasional fitted) and I like having the different types.