Who's here and what are you doing?
I am looking up ice cream recipes. DH wants Rocky Road and I want nutella gelato. Other than that, DH is making dinner; potato soup. He's willingly peeling potatoes since he bought an electric peeler. He's also in the dog house. He forgot our anniversary.
Re: Roll Call!
I have a wicked headache and if DH doesn't stop whining like a child, he's getting junk punched.
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
5 guys is disgusting
Oh, I know, it is awful! Lucky for us she didnt have problems on the flight itself, it was just getting there. She did great on the way out, but was seriously sleep deprived on the way back. I didnt bring a stroller, but I did have her car seat. Carrying a 30 lb toddler and a car seat it almost impossible. But she was determined that I do it or suffer her wrath. And I suffered. Confession: I spent $30 at the airport gift shop on 2 toys to shut her up.
Good luck - it will be great when it is done. Getting there sucks. We just did our countertops. And still need to do the backsplash. So our kitchen has a half finished look to it and our crap is piled all over the dining room and it is driving me nuts. So excited to get it done next weekend.
My sweet angels...
Baby girl grew wings 11/14/11, 20w
Baby boy grew wings 4/20/13, 16w
I'm here. I've been a crabby asshoIe today, so I decided to attempt a cocktail tonight. FX I don't get sick from one effing drink. Balls.
I'm here. I didn't check back in to last night's roll call, but I was kind of wonky. Drinking and mentioned being a big fat failing failure. Anyway, just on the off chance anyone was curious update below.
Turns out I didn't irretrievably break my son. Still feel guilty, but... a doctor appt for my son went much better today than expected.
As of right now, I'm bumping and trying to be quiet while MH does some paperwork...
He brought a bag of pretzels to bed. Somehow they ended up facing me and I'm the only one still eating them. And a celebratory Smirnoff.
Make that 3 girls that don't like 5 guys.
We both forgot our anniversary this year. Whoops.
A didn't nap today and he's in that run-around-like-a-crazy-person tired stage. H is trying to wrestle him into pajamas and then he's going straight to bed. It's been loooong day.
I'm here - just put Z down. She's had a rough day, didn't nap at all. She was pretty cranky towards the end of the night.
Now I'm hoping to catch up to Criminal Minds.
Also, just found out there's something going on near y place. There's a ton of cruisers, fire trucks and a chopper flying around near my neighborhood. A little nerve wracking since I'm home alone with Z.
Great now I want this
I'm getting some work done on my take home exam. About to crack a beer. I think that should help with my productivity.
You seriously need to get out of my head sometimes.
Five Guys is fine, but not exciting compared to some other places.
A belt? Jesus H. Christ!
That's terrible on so many levels. I'm also sorry for your losses. ((hugs))
Oh Five Guys >>> McDs. But here we have Burger Lounge, In-N-Out and a couple other options I like better for a decent burger.
Rhonda, if you're around:
I was spanked a few times as a kid. Mostly my mom just threatened it, which usually signaled she meant business. I'm fairly sure her spankings were not exactly power strikes.
One of the (many) reasons we decided to sleep train was because my son was crying during a nap and I couldn't get to him for whatever reason. He ended up soothing himself back to sleep within mere minutes. Since no one was getting any sleep with the feed/rock/shush routine anyway, we decided to just try it and see what happened. As it turned out, I have a rare breed of child that prefers to put himself to sleep and all he needed was a few minutes to work things out on his own. He still does that, but he hasn't cried since those first couple days of sleep training.
I'm sorry for your loss, SunnyMeg.
Yeah those are pretty bad, lol.
My dad spanked my brother once (with his hand) and my brother still talks about it, lol. My dad is a quiet guy so when he got mad and would yell that was enough to scare us.
DH was "spanked" with belts, switches, etc, and what I never understood is when he would say "But it never happened in anger, he would do it when he was calm" or if his dad was away his mom would threaten and the dad would carry out the punishment when he got home a week or two later. I was like, and that was effective? By then you probably forgot what you did. I can more understand spanking in the moment when you're frustrated than being totally calm hours later and still being able to take off your belt and smack your child with it.