
Childhood Diabetes?

I don't want to jump the gun, but I've noticed DS has been drinking a ton, absolutely soaking his diaper and hungry a lot. I chalked it up to a growth spurt.
I called the dr to see if they ran a blood sugar test when he has his routine anemia test at 12 month check up. They said they wouldn't. I asked what signs to look for with diabetes bc it runs on my and DH's side and DH is being watched. It's my kid, so I want to make sure all is well, but just wanted to keep my eye on him. I'm not a call the dr bc of a splinter type mom, but I worry bc of family history.
I have to take him in tomorrow bc they have to get a urine sample on him. This should be fun........
Anyone have any pointers or know what signs that I should look for?
Happy Tuesday!

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Re: Childhood Diabetes?

  • I had no idea that drinking a ton, soaking diapers and always hungry were symptoms. That sounds like my 9 month old. Anyway, good luck on the tests, I hope everything turns out normal!
  • I don't know what to look for but want to say good luck.  Hopefully the urine test goes ok.  My son had one last year.  He couldn't really pee in a cup so they had a plastic thing that they stuck over his weiner to catch the pee (it didn't hurt him).  They put it on before his bloodwork and said that usually they pee when the needle sticks them.  He didn't, so we ended up going shopping and then bringing the bag back into the lab.  Actually, he had gone while we were at a restaurant so I just asked for a glass of ice, dumped it in the ziploc bag they'd given us and put the urine bag in there to stay cold until we got back to the doctor's office.  (very discreetly of course) 

    I hope everything goes ok.

    *Siggy Warning*

    About me  2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!



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  • But what sort of history runs in your family, type 1 or type 2? I'm assuming since you say your DH is being watched, it's type 2.

    MH is type 1. He technically has Juvenile Type 1 diabetes though he wasn't diagnosed until he was 18, I believe. They believe it went undiagnosed for a while.

    The symptoms that made him go to the doctor was excess sleepiness and peeing A LOT.
    But there are other symptoms. Shakes, sweating, extreme hunger and thirst which I think you mentioned since you were thinking it's just a growth spurt.

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  • imageMooOink:
    I had no idea that drinking a ton, soaking diapers and always hungry were symptoms. That sounds like my 9 month old. Anyway, good luck on the tests, I hope everything turns out normal!

    Online...mayo clinic website..., it said more frequent than usual. And his diapers are huge within an hour and a half. I just wanted to call and see what the panel of bloodwork said if they tested blood sugar. They asked that I come in bc of family history as a precaution.

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  • imageLoisLayn23:
    There's not a genetic link to Type 1 Diabetes unless you and/or your spouse have Type 1 Diabetes.

    That's reassuring. Sometimes I wish I was in the medical field bc Dr. Google is terrifying.

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  • I believe diabetes is very rare in babies and toddlers. My SIL was diagnosed when she was 7 years old. I wish you all luck, and I hope everything is okay.
    "To me, you are perfect."

  • imageBostonKisses2:
    No advice, but good luck with the test tomorrow! nbsp;We had to do a urine catch with Judith earlier in the year, and it wasn't bad. nbsp;She got super pissed at the bag they had to stick on her, and couldn't figure out how to walk around with it on, but it was painless so that was a bonus for us. nbsp;Take a sippy of water or whatever you offer to LO and get him to drink it once the bag's on to help speed up the process.

    Thanks for the advice. How are things going in the Boston area? Sorry that awful tragedy happened so close to you. I'm on mobile, so I'm going off of your user name.

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  • The family history is important if it's Type I - otherwise, even with Type II in the family, I think you have about the same risk as the general population. 

    The Barbara Davis center checks for a few genetic variants that can increase potential risk of Type I - and there are some other markers they study as well. I know because a family we know has a daughter with Type I and they are in a study at the Barbara Davis center.  

    Frequent heavy urination, unquenchable thirst, slow weight gain or sudden weight loss, change in personality, and even the kid's coloring/demeanor can be signs of trouble.  And while not definite, it seems that there's typically some sort of illness/virus that triggers the body's attack on islet cells.  So for me if there was an illness, followed about a month later w/frequent urination, unquenchable thirst, and weight loss as well as personality changes, I'd be concerned.  

  • My cousin was diagnosed as a baby; I'm not sure what her symptoms were though.

    My brother was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was 10. He was always hungry and thirsty, going to the bathroom all of the time, and lost a TON of weight. The weight loss was the reason my mom took him to the doctor. The doctor did testing from there.
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