
Red meat recipes?

Does anyone have a soup recipe or something that uses ground beef? I can't get Zoe to eat red meat and so the pedi has switched her to a Flintstone vitamin so that she gets iron. I'm trying to find ways to 'trick' her into eating red meat. She likes soups so I thought that might be an idea. She no longer eats chili or spaghetti sauce and I doubt I could get her to eat sloppy joes. She seems to not like tomato sauces anymore. (But she will eat ketchup) :/ 

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Re: Red meat recipes?

  • This is my favorite beef and veggie soup recipe. It's great with either frozen, fresh or canned veggies. I make a pan of buttermilk cornbread to go with it.

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  • Meatloaf would be another good idea since she likes beef and ketchup. I can't find my usual recipe but it contains both beef and ground pork. It's the only meatloaf recipe I've ever liked. The brick my mother used to make was a sad, sad experience. 
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  • We tried meatloaf and it was a fail. I can't seem to get her to eat red meat at all if she can see it outright. The only meats that she will eat regularly are chicken and turkey. But I need to get her back to eating red meat. She used to eat chili and spaghetti with meat sauce, but she suddenly dropped all tomato sauces with the exception of ketchup.

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  • We feed DD organic Applegate beef hot dogs with ketchup. It's one of the few meats that she eats. She doesn't even eat chicken. Sometimes she eats turkey bacon.

    There is an Olive Garden Pasta Fagioli recipe online that uses ground beef. It's super yummy!
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  • I made this cheeseburger soup recipe this winter, which was a hit in our house. 

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Would she eat ground beef on a pizza or in tacos?

    We are struggling with iron issues as well but there's a lot more iron in green veggies and I find them easier to hide in things.



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  • Have you tried anything other than ground beef? These are all ground beef recipes. What about a steak? No joke, DD won't eat ground beef except in tacos, but she loves a nice rare steak.


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  • I think she's had steak before and liked it. She doesn't like pizza or tacos. She has the weirdest aversions! I'll check out those recipes and putting it in macaroni sounds like a good idea. Sadly, she won't eat burgers.

    It's not just red meat technically. She won't eat pork either. DH makes a great pulled pork and she will have none of it. With or without barbecue sauce. Spinach is actually a good idea because she likes salads and stuff. Her favourite place to eat is a local salad bar. DH keeps joking that she may turn out to be a vegetarian, but she is randomly turning her nose up at her favourite veggies too. I'm pretty sure that she's just hitting her stride with the terrible 2's, but until then, I'll try these recipes and see if I can find other ways to get her to get the iron she needs. 

    Thank you for all the suggestions, ladies! I appreciate the help! 

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  • imageItsAllGravy7:
    How about other sources of iron, too? Like spinach. We put spinach in almost everything the boys eat...we don't really eat much red meat but between the leafy greens and their vitamins we haven't had any iron issues yet. GL!

    This! I read kale has as much iron as red meat. Then again, I am trying to imagine in what universe a child won't eat beef but will gobble down some kale.

    Does she just not like the taste of the meat or is it the texture? 

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  • imageZiegeficker:

    How about other sources of iron, too? Like spinach. We put spinach in almost everything the boys eat...we don't really eat much red meat but between the leafy greens and their vitamins we haven't had any iron issues yet. GL!

    This! I read kale has as much iron as red meat. Then again, I am trying to imagine in what universe a child won't eat beef but will gobble down some kale.

    Does she just not like the taste of the meat or is it the texture? 

    I have no idea what it's about. She used to eat both meat spaghetti sauce and chili. Suddenly, she wouldn't eat them anymore. She's a weird one. Sometimes if we can get her to try it, she likes it, but sometimes she just doesn't. She spit out the french bread earlier because it had butter on it. *sigh* 

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  • imageItsAllGravy7:

    My kids will eat Kale, Spinach, Mustard Greens, Collard Greens no problem but won't touch beef. I've tried chili, spaghetti, steak, everything. They aren't huge meat eaters but will do fish and chicken and sometimes pork chops but never beef. I am anemic and was extremely anemic while pregnant so I've always worried about their iron levels after going off of formula but so far we haven't had any issues. If I make spinach salad I serve it with orange wedges or kiwi (vit. c helps the absorbtion of iron). They also make pouches that have kale and spinach in them so I give them those as snacks to sneak in some extra. I have no clue what the beef aversion is. DS1 is my picky guy and DS2 is teething so that could be it. *shrugs*

    I think that's great!  I love kale especially, so hopefully we won't have any issues getting LO and future LOs to eat greens.  We aren't big red-meat eaters either, so it's a great alternative source of iron.

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