
Pissed and need advice long

Let me preface this by saying this girl and I use to be best friends until she started dating a mutual friend and she started cheating on him. I called her out on it never told him and she and I never spoke again. They later broke up and have since both married and had kids.
So I get this message from her on FB tonight.

Hey Kari,
So I stumbled upon your blog a couple weeks back and I must say.. You've had quite a difficult road. I can't even imagine. I know when we started trying early last year I was pretty anxious assuming it was going to take forever. Fortunately for us It only took several months. I'm not gloating. I understand heartache. Our little man was born with a tumor in his heart. Absolutely had no fore warning.. I did everything right, was healthy, exercised. Had a perfect pregnancy. Did everything I needed too. Just goes to show you, we're not in control.
Ok, so the point of this rambling short story. I need you to forgive me. Here's why. I read your blog like I said.. A couple weeks ago. And was almost satisfied that you've had this struggle. Apparently unbeknownst to myself I've harbored ill feelings ever since the Chris fiasco. It was ages ago, and I could seriously care less, but It appears that somewhere deep down.. I have un resolved issues of what happened between the two of us. It was almost like I felt karma has made its payback. The moment I started feeling smug toward your story was the minute I knew I was dead wrong. Like I said, I know heartache especially in the baby department. Hopefully one of yours takes and you and your hubby can have the baby you most certainly desire. I can only pray that my little boy stays healthy and had no further issues.
I feel awful about the way I felt when reading about your hurdles, and I wish you and Matt nothing but success.
Good luck Kari. I'm sorry that I felt the way that I did. I hope things work out for your family.

I want I respond but I'm not sure what to say. Any advice?
DS born 7/5/2001
Married DH 2010
TTC since 2010
8 IUI and 2 IVF cycles
BFP - TWINS! - Lost twin A at 17w5d 
Still pregnant with Twin B!!!! Due 10/16/2014
Hospital bed rest 5/10-7/20
William born at 27 weeks and 3 days

Re: Pissed and need advice long

  • Wow.  I'd sit on this a couple days before responding. I'm pissed for you. I don't think she should have told you that she thought karma got payback.  It'd be like you saying her baby's tumor was payback for cheating.  That's pretty childish and plain wrong.    ((HUGS)) to you and I sincerely hope you get your baby.  No one deserves IF.
     36 DH 33 TTC for over 3 years
    First mini-IVF Sept 2011... Only 1 egg! ... BFN
    Switching RE
    IVF#2 May 2012 9 eggs and only 2 sperm, WTH!
    IVF #3 March 2013~Tesa with back-up Donor Sperm,Tesa, unsuccessful used DS~ Chemical :(   

    Switching RE's within practice

    2 frosties waiting for us, November 2013!!!!!   Transferred 2 "average" blasts 11/20/2013
    BFP!!!!!!!  Boy/Girl Twins!!!!!! Due 08/08/2014

    My Blog

    *~God gives his hardest battles to his toughest solders. Unknown.
  • Oh holy moly dude. I would definitely think on this before you reply. Actually if it was me I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a reply. Whether you are nice or nasty it will be what she expects. I would just say nothing at all like she isn't worth the time or effort to give her a response. In my opinion it doesn't deserve a response but that's just me. Good luck on your decision. 
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  • I'd reply with a *** slap. What a wretched person. So, according to her thinking the challenges she's endured with her son must be karma? F'ed up.

    Unmedicated and medicated IUI's: all fail
    IVF #1: Dec 2012 16m/15f 12/9: 5dt of 2 beautiful blasts and 5 frosties
    15w4d:baby a-pProm
    March 25: 18w...2 baby boys born sleeping
    July 29: FET-BFN

    Sept: TAC placed

    Oct 27: FET #2-Cancelled-monster cyst producing insane amounts of estrogen

    Nov 13: FET #2-take 2

  • Steer clear away from this self-absorbed person. She is not a friend. Sometimes you have to realize that breaking up with a friend is for your best health.  And, forgiving her will only feel satisfying until she does something selfish again and starts your next fight (been there, done that several times with an old friend of mine and it's not worth hurting yourself over her.) 

    Give yourself a hug and be strong. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I read and then read it again. I don't think this person is a good person and someone you should have in your life. But.... On the other hand I think she is being honest with you. I would reply if I was in your situation and make  peace and move on. Again, this isn't soneone I would bring into my life but if I was you I'd wish her little guy good health and forgive her (then forget her). 


    Me: 29 DH: 32 Married: 10.25.07 Been dealing with amenorrheoa since I was young. (Literally go years w/o AF) Unexpected and very surprising BFP in Feb 2007. M/C April 2007. :( TTC since 2008 Metformin- Didn't help. :( Clomid 50mg/Provera cycle #1 7/2009 - BFN Clomid 50mg/Provera cycle #2- 8/2009- BFN Clomid 100mg/Provera cycle #3- 1/2010- BFN ...Took a break... 2012- Met with RE 09/12- Day 3 Labs- FSH 2.5, Estradiol 47, TSH 4.5 (Doc re-ordering Day 3 labs) DH sperm analysis- all good 11/12- Day 3 Labs- FSH 4.3, estradiol 38, TSH 2.51 Prescribed Synthroid 11/12- HSG all clear 1/13- IUI with Femara and trigger shot on 1/31- BFN 2/13-IUI #2- cancelled due to low response 3/13- planning IUI with injectables
  • WTF!!!!  There is something seriously wrong with that girl.  She was in the wrong when she cheated, was in the wrong when she got mad at you for calling her out on it, she was in the wrong when she felt smug that you have IF and she was in the wrong when she sent that message.  I can never understand why people who cheat get mad when they are held to task for it.  She is a selfish, self-absorbed biotch.  If anything she should be apologizing to you for being upset that you called her out on cheating but instead she just insults you further and tries to make it sound like she cares about your struggle.  I wouldn't even bother responding. No matter what you say it will have no impact on someone like that.


    IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
    fall in love with someone Pictures Images and Photos  photo turtlejpg

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • "I need you to forgive me"...for what? In hopes that nothing bad will come her way? How about just an apology? I'm sorry for cheating on ____ and you were right to call me out. I was wrong." and leave it at that. There was no need to bring up your blog or her child. Her intentions are all wrong and it seems that she's not the least bit sorry for her actions in the past, nor does it seem like she even takes personal responsibility for what she did.

    I had a fallout with my best friend 6 years ago. We are both stubborn girls, but I had it in my heat to seek her out and apologize for what I had done. I didn't expect the same from her and I didn't place any blame on her. I was responsible for my actions and I told her that this wasn't a way to try to fix things or even trying to get her to forgive me. All I could do was what was right and from there she had to make her own choice. At first, she admitted that to her it was a "pissing contest" to see who caved first but then she saw my honesty and sincerity. She has since apologized for her part in the situation and we a now friends...not best friends like before, but we are in each other's lives again.

    I personally would not respond to this and if you do, give it some time and have someone look over what you write before you send it. Her apology should be sincere and she should be able to see her wrong doing and have learned from it. If she truly believes that by asking you to forgive her, that her life will be better, she's got a lot to learn!  

    BFP #1 6/16/2012 EDD 2/25/2013 MMC @ 7 weeks(found out at 10 weeks) 8/2/2012 BFP #2 2/8/2013 EDD 10/25/2013 Beta #1 56 Beta #2 62 Beta #3 156 Beta #4 665 Beta #5 1091 Blighted Ovum 2/27/2013
  • What a wench! She tries to come off as honest and humbled but clearly after reading this, everything is still all about her! For her to even INSINUATE that your fertility problems is a result of karma....just UGH, just freakin UGHHH!!! She could have seriously left that part out  ! She doesn't even sound like she has taken any responsibility for her part in the falling out of the friendship. Because of that, I would not even respond. She does not sound sincere.  GL with whatever decision you make. 

    Me & DH (33), 3 Furbabies, TTC since October 2011
    Day 3 #’s (Dec 2012) FSH 9, AMH .77, LH 2.4, E2 31, AFC 9 

    DX: Me-DOR + No Tubes, DH-Fine

    Ectopic 2007; lost tube/2nd tube removed Dec 2011 (hydro)

    April 2012=IVF#1- EPP Antag+ICSI, 2R,0F (BFN), Now dx’d with DOR.

    June-July 2012=IVF#2- MDL+ICSI&AH, 8R,4M,3F (BFP 9dp3dt) Beta#1 at 11dp3dt=36, Beta#2 at 15dp3dt=156, Beta#3 at 19dp3dt=671, dx'd with SCH, no growth-m/c at 7wks/Lap Dec 2012 to remove small fibroid.

    Feb 2013=IVF#3-MDL, 2/1=baseline, started 10 units mdl, AFC-7, 2/3 start gonal f, self cxld cycle b/c of low e2.

    April 2013=IVF#3.5-(with new RE)AG/ANT Conv + ICSI. 4/10-4/23 bcp's, 4/20-4/27 lupron, 4/28-ganirelix until end of stimming, 5/2-600 gonal f, 5/4-add 1/2 vial menopur, 5/13-ER (9R,1M,1F), 5/17-ET, 1 beautiful 8 cell (please be my sticky baby!!!!) 5/28-BFFN.

    Oct 2013=IVF#4-LLP+ICSI &AH, 10/14 (6R, 2M, 2F), 10/17-ET, 1 seven cell & a six cell, BFP at 9dp3dt, 1st beta=56, 2nd beta=52, CP.

    Jan 2014=IVF #5-LLP, Cxld after 6 days of stims due to fast response and lead follicle. 

    March 2014=IVF 5.5-LLP, Lupron 3/10, BL 3/18, 11 days of stims, Trigger 3/29, ER 3/31. 7R, 2M, 2F. ET 4/3. Txfd one 5 cell & one 9 cell. BFP on hpt from 7dp3dt & on. Praise be to God. Beta #1 at 11dp3dt=106, #2 at 13dp3dt=239. First u/s 4/28, measuring on track & heartbeat seen. 5/5-2nd u/s, measuring on track with strong heartbeat. 5/12- 3rd u/s & released from RE. Grow baby grow, we love you! Baby G&T is a BOY! Born 12/2014 via c/s! 8lbs, 8oz & 21 inches.

     *******Ticker Warning**********

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    "God's Delay is not God's Denial"
  • Wow. Honestly I wouldn't respond would block her. She sounds like the wrong kinda person to have around you.
    "Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end."
    Me:29 DH:29  TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues 
    Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN
    8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F. 
    ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. 1 10cell Grade 4, 1 8cell Grade 4. No frosties. BFN
    IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
    ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
    3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.  
    DX: High NK cells, cytokines, DHEAs& PAI1;  hypothyroid, +APA, restricted bloodflow
    7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle
    (plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim)
    ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
    ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts.  SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
    Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!!  1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
    11/11: TEAM PURPLE!!!!!
    3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection

    Here Comes the Sun Blog
    PAIF/SAIF welcome!
  • I honestly don't know how you respond to this. Basically, she is saying you are struggling because of a stupid fight the two of you had years ago. She is a waste of space. If someone wrote that to me I would tell her off then unfriend her and block her.

    TTC#1 since April 2011
    IVF#1 July 2012 5R, 3 made it to blast, sET c/p
    FET#1 Aug 2012 2 blasts transferred BFN
    IVF#2 Oct 2012
    16R/6M/6F/2-8 cell grade 1 transfer
    Beta 1-237.9, Beta 2-566, Beta 3-8657
    US 6w3d shows one baby w/ HB 115
    US 7w1d no more heartbeat/ D&C 11/30/12 normal karyotype
    IVF#3 Mar 2013
    6R/4M/4F 1 compacting and 2-8 cell transfer
    ectopic pg MTX given 3 month break from TTC

    IVF#4 Sept 2013--BFN
    IVF#5-7 Apr 2014, Jun 2014 and Aug 2014 banking embryos for CCS testing. Praying for normals! Image and video hosting by TinyPic imageimage
  • Wow! You should certainly take a few days to think about it, you've got to be shocked. But I think you should forgive her. Of course only tell her that you forgive her if you really do, wouldn't be right otherwise. In my life I have come to realize that I need to be forgiven constantly, so when someone asks me for forgiveness, I know that I need to. I can't say it's always come easy to do this, but it's the best thing for them and for me as well. Don't want to sound preachy, but I know hearing a Bible verse often reminds me of what I need to do when times like these arise. Colossians 3:13 says, "Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye." 
    Hope this helps. 
  • Sorry this girl spilled her baggage on you to help her feel better about herself.  I agree with previous posters that you should not respond at all...just block her and move on.  She is doing this for totally selfish reasons...there's nothing in that letter that is meant to help or support's a way for her to unload her regrets about being a crappy person!  She wants you to validate her.  And if it were me, I wouldn't give her that because she doesn't deserve it.  Whatever you decide, I hope that you can get your point across and be at peace to move past her!  {{{hugs}}}
    TTC #1 since November 2011
    Me 32, DH 32
    Dx: Unexplained IF
    RE consult October 2012 
    Clomid and IUI Nov 2012-March 2013 BFNs
    IVF#1 on CD10! April 2013 - ER (27 retrieved, 19 fertilized) 4/21 - ET cancelled due to OHSS. 10 frosties 
    FET#1 w/ one blast May 2013-BFN
    FET #2 w/ one blast July 2013-BFP!!! Beta 9dp5dt: 129 Beta 13dp5dt: 867 Beta 20dp5dt: 13621 Beta 27dp5dt: 53341 U/S #1: 7/31 heartbeat 127 measuring right on time EDD March 20th, 2014
    IAmPregnant Tickerimage
  • imageCrystal120410:
    Oh holy moly dude. I would definitely think on this before you reply. Actually if it was me I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a reply. Whether you are nice or nasty it will be what she expects. I would just say nothing at all like she isn't worth the time or effort to give her a response. In my opinion it doesn't deserve a response but that's just me. Good luck on your decision. 

    This. She is obviously someone you do not want or need in your life. So sorry she sent that, though!

  • Honestly, I feel like this is a frenemy move.  She didn't have to tell you that she thought it was karma and she didn't have to say it several times.  I think she still thinks this way and is using this as a move to let you know. It's rubbing salt in the wound.  I agree with PP to ignore this and not respond.  Frenemies are the WORST and they insult you with a smile on their face, this broad seems to think she can send this little 'friendly' note and bam she's got "forgiveness" for something she hasn't apologized for AND she got to insult you in the deal.  No way, friend.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    me:33 my wife:32      married in June '12
    LONG road through IF ending in heartbreak and frustration.
    Moving on to Adoption : matched 5/14! 
    Our beautiful son was born August 25, 2014!! 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicimage

  • So one reply would be:


    A few years ago I heard you were pregnant and I was jealous at first. Well, your child was born with a serious heart defect which made the news far less sour for me. Just goes to show you you're not in control.  Even though it's been a long time since you took advantage of our dear mutual friend by cheating on him and then showed your true colors by being angry with me for calling your crap, when I heard about your son's tumor I felt that karma finally made a comeback. The only reason I knew it was wrong to feel this way is because I have struggled with infertility myself. You have to forgive me even though you are essentially forgiving me for a thought that you shouldn't have even known about if I had just kept my mouth shut and not written this email. Have a nice life with success and whatever.


    Not recommended, though. I would just write back... "I have moved on from the past. Thanks for your honesty and support. I hope your little one stays healthy and strong!" and just leave it at that. It makes you come off as mature and level headed. You don't owe her anything or a long reply about forgiveness. :) This is tricky, don't get too bothered by it! 

  • imageTheCraftyKoala:

    So one reply would be:


    A few years ago I heard you were pregnant and I was jealous at first. Well, your child was born with a serious heart defect which made the news far less sour for me. Just goes to show you you're not in control.  Even though it's been a long time since you took advantage of our dear mutual friend by cheating on him and then showed your true colors by being angry with me for calling your crap, when I heard about your son's tumor I felt that karma finally made a comeback. The only reason I knew it was wrong to feel this way is because I have struggled with infertility myself. You have to forgive me even though you are essentially forgiving me for a thought that you shouldn't have even known about if I had just kept my mouth shut and not written this email. Have a nice life with success and whatever.


    Not recommended, though. I would just write back... "I have moved on from the past. Thanks for your honesty and support. I hope your little one stays healthy and strong!" and just leave it at that. It makes you come off as mature and level headed. You don't owe her anything or a long reply about forgiveness. :) This is tricky, don't get too bothered by it! 

    Ugh, that's so tough.  I would definitely stick to something like this....and really move on.  I wouldn't give her another thought after you press send.

    TTC since 9/2011

    IVF #3 w/ICSI = 9/2013 = BFP!   Beta #1 9/9: 79, Beta #2 9/12: 441

    EDD: 5/20/14


  • imageCrystal120410:
    Oh holy moly dude. I would definitely think on this before you reply. Actually if it was me I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a reply. Whether you are nice or nasty it will be what she expects. I would just say nothing at all like she isn't worth the time or effort to give her a response. In my opinion it doesn't deserve a response but that's just me. Good luck on your decision.nbsp;





    *******siggy/ticker warning***** 

     Me(31). DH (31)

    DH SA normal count and motility, 1% morphology
    Me .72 AMH, Fragile X premutation carrier
    IVF #1 (6/12/13) BFN

    IVF #2 (8/16/13) BFN

    FET 10/4/13 Chemical

    IVF #3 MC 5 weeks 5 days

    IVF #4 DE 11/7 BFP, edd 7/28/15

    All Welcome

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • While I would not try to have her as a friend in my life, I would forgive her and let her know.  Forgive and move on.  Best for your soul. Good luck  

    Me - 38 (Endo, DOR) DH- 41 Married in 2003, TTC for 6+ years Dec 2012 - Lap, both tubes removed Jan 2013 - IVF #1 - MDLF, Cancelled March 2013 - IVF #2 - Antagonist - cancelled after ER May 2013 - IVF #3 - TPP Antagonist W/HGH
  • That stinks. I think it's ok to forgive but you don't have to write her some love poem about how you've forgiven. You can choose to forgive in your heart and move on.  She's obviously a terrible person. Who needs a friend like that in their life?? I think it'd be best to not respond .... Ad not waste emotions on a bad person. Don't let it bother you because then she wins. 

    Cant stop thinking about the movie Just Friends when Anna Faris sings that song "... Forgiveness... Is more than saying sorry!!!"   Comical but oh so wise.  

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    Our little IVF miracle born 5/7/2014
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Wow. Screw her. Honestliy, any person that could tell me that she felt smug when she read of my struggles and reference Karma can *** off. And I mean it. I'm so sorry that you had such a poison person in your life. I wouldn't respond at all. And if I did, it would be filled with horrible explitives because there are certain things I just can't look past, and this is it.
    TTC since May 2012
    Me: 32 H: 31
    DX: MFI-Very Low Count, I have Hashimotos.
    IVF prep September 2013 cancelled due to Ovarian Cyst
    IVF #1 October 2013 Antagonistic Protocol with ICSI  ER 10/31/13 (18R 16M 11F- 6 blasts to freeze)
    ET delayed due to OHSS 
    FET scheduled for July 8. Delayed due to a crazy high TSH (it had been under control for YEARS!)
    FET #1 8/5/14 sET BFN 

    All welcome!
  • imageTheCraftyKoala:

    So one reply would be:


    A few years ago I heard you were pregnant and I was jealous at first. Well, your child was born with a serious heart defect which made the news far less sour for me. Just goes to show you you're not in control.  Even though it's been a long time since you took advantage of our dear mutual friend by cheating on him and then showed your true colors by being angry with me for calling your crap, when I heard about your son's tumor I felt that karma finally made a comeback. The only reason I knew it was wrong to feel this way is because I have struggled with infertility myself. You have to forgive me even though you are essentially forgiving me for a thought that you shouldn't have even known about if I had just kept my mouth shut and not written this email. Have a nice life with success and whatever.


    Not recommended, though. I would just write back... "I have moved on from the past. Thanks for your honesty and support. I hope your little one stays healthy and strong!" and just leave it at that. It makes you come off as mature and level headed. You don't owe her anything or a long reply about forgiveness. :) This is tricky, don't get too bothered by it! 

    Hahaha! Love the first one, hilarious!


    IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
    fall in love with someone Pictures Images and Photos  photo turtlejpg

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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