My son is going through a serious "Daddy's boy" phase. He cries and sobs every time my hubby leaves the room, and, wants nothing to do with me. My poor hubby is exhausted:) Luckily we are still nursing so he "has" to hang out with me at least a little. I am thankful and fortunate for a DH that's a good Dad, but I gotta admit I am a little sad about LO only wanting him the past few days. I'm a working Mom so I already only see my son 3-4 hrs a day so when he doesn't want to hang with me it's a bummer. Just remind me in a couple of weeks when I am writing about how clingy he is with me that I missed him at this moment ok:)?
Anyone else have a LO not wanting you/having preference for someone else right now?
Re: Daddy's boy
DD went through that at about the same age! It does go away... or at least improve! And her's didn't last super long (lol or at least not long enough to make a permanent impression on me!)
good luck!