

Our twin boys have weaned off formula but we have a lot left over and really want to give it to someone who can use it.  We have a few cases of ready to feed NeoSure that we would love to get rid of.  We live in CT so if anyone needs/wants it please let me know!! I know this sounds crazy or like its too good to be true but our insurance sent it to us, and one of my little guys had trerrible reflux and forced my hand to nursing longer than expected.  Please let me know.  We have true shelter/food banks but they have said since it is to specific there is no need at this time.  I would have done anything for it last year, now that we are finally done, I can't find anyone who needs it. 

Re: NeoSure

  • I'll take it . I have a 24 weeker and I have been trying to find coupons for it she will be coming home hopefully in little over a month and will need it they said
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'll take it . I have a 24 weeker and I have been trying to find coupons for it she will be coming home hopefully in little over a month and will need it they said . Ill be very thankful for it . It is very expensive! Is there anyway I can pay you back?
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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