1st Trimester

Cold sores !! :(


this morning I woke up with that tingly itchy feeling on my lip. I get these maybe once or twice a year and normally use abreva and ice. My question is , have any of you gotten one while pregnant and if so what kind of meds did you use on it. I hate that I get these, I never did until I was sick with the flu with a 101 fever years ago. Any advice?? 

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Re: Cold sores !! :(

  • I get them too. There is a vitamin called lysine that helps that I take periodically just to prevent. But I also got my Dr to prescribe valtrex for them! I take it whenever I get sick/sunburnt and I am prone to them.. I have been taking it for about three years and have only had 1 that came up and even then the valtrex kept it smaller and shorter than usual. I know they are awful!!!!!
  • I randomly get them as we'll on my lip and I will take lysine or my doc prescribes valtrex for a day, 4 pills total, the valtrex significantly shortens the length of time the cold sore last. It has been a life saver! I would look into either and ask your doctor 
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  • Oh and my dr said its totally fine to take the valtrex while pregnant :
  • Thank you everyone! Glad to know I can take something for this monster on my lip!
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