A question for fellow kitty owners...I am trying to gain some insight on this, as I can't remember having this issue with our last kitty.
We recently, about a week ago, adopted a one year old neutered male kitty from a shelter. He's very sweet and has warmed up to us and his new home quite well. He definitely still has lots of kitten energy in him and gets really riled up when we play with his toys. I can see that he has a pretty strong prey drive, as he's very intent on chasing and pouncing on his toys. But within the last few days, I've noticed him nipping us a lot more. I'm not talking about during play when he's already hyped up either. This is even when we approach him randomly just to pet him while he's resting. He seems to switch very quickly into a feisty mood and will grab onto our hands to rake with his back legs and nips us, like he thinks our hands are his toys. Most of the time he's great while being held, but I'm wondering what's causing the nipping and constant feistiness on his end. When he nips, its not usually hard, so it really seems like he can't tell the difference between normal relaxed affection and play.
I don't remember ever having this issue with our last cat. I'm chalking some of this behavior up to adjustment to a new home, but is there any type of discipline I should put in place to help him realize our hands are for petting/affection and toys are for nipping and playing? I normally just pull away calmly and say NO in a firm tone and walk away for a while. Should I be doing something different?
TIA and sorry for the huge paragraphs, I'm on mobile.

Re: Cat owners please come in...
First we had eachother.5.27.11
Then we had you.6.16.12
Now we have everything.
FWIW, nope..our last cat was also male. We've only ever owned male cats.
Toddlers too!