Attachment Parenting

Ring slings or wraps

Hi all! I'm new to baby wearing and I'm getting overwhelmed with all the options and brands. I don't want anything complicated because I get flustered easily. I was looking at ring slings but I have no idea which brand to zero in on. My friend has a Maya Ring sling and loves it.

Any recommendations??

My babe isn't due until June 26 but I would love to have something before she comes because I have a VERY active 3.5 yr old boy and I have no intention of getting a double stroller for the few times we would use it.

Thanks in advance for help!

Re: Ring slings or wraps

  • I got a Maya ring sling just this week, and I already like it a lot better than me Mei Tai (so does baby; I think he's more comfy in there).
    White Knot
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Ring slings are great for the newborn phase, but I prefer woven wraps when LO is bigger. One shoulder carries hurt with a heavier baby.
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  • Thanks! I ordered a ring sling from sleeping baby productions this afternoon, and I'm hoping hubs will let me get a wrap too. Best of both worlds!
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