Please excuse if this has been addressed before. Reposting from my month board and I would love some more opinions.
Hey guys being that I have no idea what shape or size this kid will be I realize I won't know what kind of diaper to use off the bat. I am going to say there is a high chance this kid will be long and skinny based on my gene pool but who knows.
My question is do any of you guys have experience with seventh generation, earth's best, or honest co?
I would prefer these brands since they do use less chemicals but they are also all cruelty free. I do my best to not being any products in the home that are tested on animals.
I was thinking of trying my hand at cloth diapers but I don't have a washer dryer so that makes it more tricky. I would need to research laundry service for this.
They are all relatively the same price as each other but Honest Co may be better since it is delivered straight to your home and thy include wipes in a bundle package.
I have one friend that uses Honest and loves it but I would like some other opinions if there are any out there. Thanks!
Mobile bumping please excuse typos
Re: Diaper question
If you are interested in using cloth diapers, it might be worth posting this on the cloth diapering board. I know some ladies there have opted to buy a portable washer since it's still cheaper to buy the washer and cloth diapers than to use disposables for 2.5 years.
Just a thought!
A few of us on the cloth diapering board have been talking about doing a daily check-in during the Flats and Handwashing challenge at I think it's the last full week of May?
Like PP said, some people get a portable washer. Others use a handcranking washer. Still others make a camp-style washer using a bucket and plunger. I'm planning to use sold-fashioned washboard for the challenge, if it works out I think it will be a great way to CD when traveling.
Post Crash - But OMG!!! Where did you get the TARDIS diaper?!?!