Baby Names

Nickname for Savannah

Was wondering what everyone thought of Ava for a nickname for Savannah. Too much of a stretch?

Re: Nickname for Savannah

  • Yeah, sorry I do think it's too much of a stretch.

    Ava is a completely separate name that is super popular right now.

    What about Vanna?


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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I think it's too much of a stretch. Really the only nn I can think of is Vanna. I know several Savannahs and they don't have nn.

    I wouldn't pick a long name like that just to shorten it to something completely different.

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  • The only Savannah I know goes by Sav
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  • yea...i see the ava there but it s a super stretch. besides Vanna...maybe Sally?
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  • I also would nix Ava as a nn.

    I like pp suggestions of Vanna or even just Anna.

  • I have taught a savannah, and we all call her Sav
  • If you name her Savannah and call her Ava then that will be what she goes by. It's similar to many other names, some are more direct than others.  

    Margaret to Maggie,

    Peter James to PJ,

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    Nathaniel to Nate,


    It doesn't matter if it's a stretch... a nickname can be anything you want. 

  • I honestly don't see the need in having a nn? Her name is Savannah, why not just call her Savannah? 

    I know a Savannah and she hates any nn associated with her name. 
    BLAD reppin'

  • imageHelenahhandbasket:
    Yeah, sorry I do think it's too much of a stretch.Ava is a completely separate name that is super popular right now. What about Vanna?

    This but her NN doesn't have to be associated with her name. She may be given a NN for other reasons. For example my DD's main NN, she has many, is Birdie! My dad gave it to her when she was born because she opened her mouth like a baby bird every time she was hungry. It just stuck from there. Also, my niece is Buggie. Her name is Lilly and we were calling her lady bug which turned into Lilly bug and then Buggie.
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
    Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

    Potato Launcher

  • The reason we are looking for a nn is because we are moving to Savannah, GA in 2 weeks lol. I never thought we'd be moving there when we named her. Her middle name is Grace so might just start calling her that.
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