I posted last week about my anxiety and fear about returning to work after having DS#2. Long story short- I had a complicated pregnancy, DS ended up having respiratory distress, ended up getting transferred to another hospital to the NICU, was there for 10 days. I work at this hospital, and am having major anxiety about going back there. I applied for a leave of absence.
I called yesterday because I submitted the paperwork for my leave 2 weeks ago and haven't heard anything. The corporate office says they never received the paperwork from my manager. I was supposed to fax it to my manager because it needed her signature, then she sends it to corporate. Apparently she never did. The application must be put in 30 days before u need to start the leave (which would be when my disability ends, which is now 21 days away. Corporate is looking into it but they said it may not be approved because it's outside to 30 days.
Why didn't I call sooner? Ahhhh I can't believe I might have to go back in 3 weeks. My anxiety is through the roof now. I am dealing much better with everything that happened, but I was also planning on being out of work through at least July. Now I have to wait all weekend until Monday to see what they decide.
I can file a grievance with the union and be a total pain, and probably win, but I just transferred to this floor 6 months before I had to go out with maternity complications. I don't want my manager to think I'm a pain in the a$$ employee. Ugh