
feeling very unmotivated!

I have 5 more weeks of teaching left...possibly for good too.  Next year is still up in the air, I might take another teaching job closer to me if I really like the place or I might stay home with DS for a year or two and have another baby.  I'm also looking into part-time options outside of schools.  It's kind of exciting not to be tied to one job anymore or feel like I am stuck.  

I am very unmotivated to finish out the year now that state testing is done.  My students all want me to give out free 100s since I'm quitting, they say I have nothing to lose :) LOL.  I sure am going to miss these kiddos!

Re: feeling very unmotivated!

  • LOL, I had to doublecheck that you're not my friend who is a teacher and basically in the exact same position you are. But she lives in Cali and does not have a lab.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • What do you teach? I haven't taught in 3 years and I miss it. Can you come up with a few fun projects to engage the students and enjoy your last couple of months?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
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  • This time of year is tough. Our EOC is in 8 (school) days, not that I'm counting. It does get tough once "the test" is over. I hate that about the current state of public education. Did you say what level you teach? I teach freshman English. We read To Ki
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I teach high school American history.  I do love it, but I hated coaching soccer and my contract was either coach/teach or hit the door.  My district loves to brag about loyalty, but they have none when it comes down to it.  I am A-OK with
  • If I could quit my job in 5 weeks I'd be so freaking happy I wouldn't know what to do.  Anyway GL with whatever you choose to do after the 5 weeks :)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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