Okay ladies, these babies are growing up WAY too fast! We have known each other for close to a year now, and I want to get to know your sweet little angels. Can we do a getting to know you for our LOs? I'll start.
Name: Ella Virginia
DOB: February 26
Age: 2 months today!
Positive traits: Ella is such a happy, alert little girl. She loves to look at her toys on her activity mat. She is always smiling. She's super easy going and patient with me too. If she didn't have the severe reflux, I would have a perfect baby!
Negative traits: Ellie has such severe reflux that she vomits and chokes which blocks her airway and she stops breathing until I can clear it.
Favorite baby items: Pikkolo carrier, RnP, Aden and Anais blankies, Wubbanub binkies, boppy, My Little Lamb swing, infant visual stimulation posters
Pictures (or describe baby's looks if you don't feel comfortable posting a pic):
Re: Brag post
Name: Jack Edward
DOB: March 1
Age: 8 weeks today
Positive Traits: Is happy and likes to cuddle all the time!
Negative Traits: Spits up all. day. long.
Favorite Baby Items: Moby wrap, PNP, Boppy, Formula Pitcher
I hate uploading photos on here! It takes forever and never works for me!
Name: Natalie Rose
DOB- March 26- 1 month today!
Positive Traits- She smiles at me all the time and has been good on all of our outings so far. She sleeps really well and loves cuddling with mommy and daddy!
Negative- none, she is perfectly sweet in every way
Favorite baby items- Ergo carrier, I wear her everywhere. Also love Dr. Brown's bottles, A&A swaddles and all of her adorable outfits.
I have no idea how to upload photos....can you do it from your hard drive, or do you have to use a third party site like photobucket? Not sure.
Name: Connor Tsaliroi
DOB: March 20
Age: 5 weeks
Positive traits: He sleeps so well!! I have yet to have a really rough night with him, except the two nights I was engorged (and that wasn't his fault!). He even sleeps through most of his sisters' screaming during the day and will sleep anywhere (crib, bassinet, swing, bouncer, car seat...). Feeling super spoiled. He also loves his sisters and contentedly puts up with most of their over-eager "help" (as long as I rescue him before it goes too far).
Negative traits: Poor boy is gassy, thanks to oversupply. His witching hour is during the time I'm trying to make dinner, eat dinner, and put my older kids to bed. He's also got some lazy nursing habits and I frequently have to pull him off and relatch when it starts hurting.
Favorite baby items: The swing and rocker/bouncer get the most use, keeping him from where he might be trampled by his sisters. Also: the fan. The noise helps him sleep well at night. We have noticed a difference when we forget to turn it on at night.
Pictures (or describe baby's looks if you don't feel comfortable posting a pic): He looks just like my other two. Some moments I swear he looks like my oldest, other times I think he's my youngest's twin. He's as bald as they were, with their point chins and little noses.
Name: Giuliana
Age: 5 weeks
Positive: Is always happy and smiles alot. Loves her play mate and walks
Negative: like to be held to sleep( not a bad thing just makes for long nights); lazy eater so I have to pump all the time instead of just breastfeed
Favorite baby items: moby wrap and stroller
Name: Isabella Lynn, (Bella)
DOB: March 29
Age: 4 weeks today
Positive: Sleeps great at night, has had no problem with bfing and is gaining weight like a champ, very alert during the day, very happy baby!
Negative: Will not sleep at night unless in bed with me
Bad habit i shouldn't have started!
Best baby gear: Graco carrier- in love! she can be snuggled up to me while I clean and do stuff around house. Boppy. Soothies are a life saver!
Then: One day old
Now: 4 weeks old
Name: Dawson
DOB: March 1
Age: 8 weeks today
Positive traits: happy baby, travels well, loves to sleep on daddy's chest, starting to smile which melts mommy's heart! Our little miracle...4th IVF!
Negative traits: Not really any. He has little crying spells but all babies do!
Favorite baby items: RnP, Aden and Anais blankies, Wubbanub binkies, Sassy Crib mirror, Bright Starts Play Mat
Pictures - I'll have to figure out how to do this!
Name: Hannah Grace
DOB: March 15, 2013
Age: 6 weeks today
Positive traits: Hannah knows what she wants and how she wants it(not sure if that is bad or good) She smiles all the time and is very alert. She breastfeeds like a champ too
Oh, and she absolutely loves to take a bath.
Negative traits: Hannah fights her sleep like crazy! See above, she strong willed already( I'm not too surprised, DD1 and myself are the same way)
Favorite baby items: Her swing, boppy, my boobs lol and the wall decorations above her changing table
Pictures (or describe baby's looks if you don't feel comfortable posting a pic): Can't quite figure that one out, sorry.
DOB: March 18
Age: 5 weeks 5 days
Positive Traits: She is smiling almost the entire time she's awake. I love it. I just have to talk to her or make a funny face and she gives me the biggest gummy grin!
Negative Traits: Her witching hours have been 11:30pm to 2:30am. Mommy is tired! We seemed to have figured out how to calm her but its not fun. She likes to lay on our legs and be rocked. My legs are sore!!!
Favorite Baby Items: RnP and Boppy. Seriously feel like the swing was a waste of money. But who knows maybe she'll like it in a month.
I'm bumping from my mobile so no pics, but if you're on the full site I have pics in my siggy from when she was 4 days old.
DOB: March 18
Age: Will be 6 weeks on Monday
Positive traits: He makes the cutest faces ever
Negative traits: He has reflux and gas issues and refuses to sleep anywhere but my arms during the day.
Favorite baby item: Boppy and his car seat/carrier... He sleeps like a champ in it which enables me to shower every day
It's 4am and I don't have the mental ability to go through the process of downloading pictures.
Name: Riley Noelle
DOB: March 11
Age: 6w5d
Positive traits: Riley is such a funny baby! She make sthe best faces...i caught her today laughing her little head off at her mobile! She's a cuddler and a great night sleeper-she also loves to just sit there and stare at whoever is holding her, making faces at them. Also, this may be negative but I think it's funny, she's such an intense little baby. She get so mad when you take that bottle away to burp her..she makes this really mad face and YELLS at you. She yells at me all the time! My little dictator
Negative traits: She has some silent reflux issues and chokes on her bottle, which scares me. We're on zantac right now because I worry about the acid hurting her throat. Not the best napper unless she's in her sling or in our arms-but it's ok because I love baby wearing her.
Favorite baby items: Sashawrap, swing, our mobile, our black and white cards to look at, Swaddle Me and receiving wrap swaddle, Dr Browns bottles, gas drops!
Name: Peyton Taylor
DOB: March 12
Best Traits: Mastered breastfeeding at 5 minutes old. Super patient with her dog siblings. LOVES bath time. Now smiles purposefully.
Negative Traits: Won't sleep unless it is in bed with us. Cries after eating until she is able to poop.
Favorite Baby Gear: Ergo. Swing. Nap Nanny.
Name: Piper Julianne
DOB: March 25th (5 weeks on Monday)
Positive Traits: Super easy baby
Negative Traits: Loves to poop in a diaper within 30 seconds of me completing a diaper change
Favorite Baby Items: RnP
A gassy smile:
Name: Kieran DeWitt
DOB: March 19th
Age: almost 6 weeks!
Positive traits: Kieran (Special K) is an awesome baby. He's pretty chill, takes good naps in lots of different places (rock n play, swing, carseat, Ergo), doesn't cry unless he's tired or hungry, takes a paci, sleeps in semi-descent stretches at night, is SUPER cute
, doesn't spit up, doesn't seem to have any intolerance to what mama eats, is an easy breast feeder
Negative traits: Really nothing! I wish he was sleeping longer at night, but hellos he's not even 2 months old...I'll deal!
Favorite baby items: Sleep sheep, swaddles, rock n play, Ergo, pacifier
Pictures (or describe baby's looks if you don't feel comfortable posting a pic):
My little man at 0-1-2
Name: Titus Alexander
DOB: March 7th
Age: 7 weeks
Positive traits: Happy baby, he's almost always smiley! He sleeps really well and will go back to sleep really quickly when he wakes up to eat at night! Does great with tummy time!
Negative traits: Eats his bottle so fast that he ends up choking himself even with a slow flow nipple! He hates being in his carseat unless the car is actually moving and will cry even at stoplights! Likes to pee on his 5 year old sister if she is in the room while his diaper is being changed, it's happened several times and he's never done it on anyone else!!
Favorite baby items: Infant carrier/sling, sound machine, swing, snuggamonkey bouncer, Boppy and his stroller chimes!
Name: Silas Lorne
DOB: March 23
Age: 5 weeks today!
Positive traits: Silas is such a happy boy and is pretty chill. He's been giving us social smiles for the last week and a bit and we LOVE it! He loves cuddles and is already quite social. He is content to be in anyone's arms. Oh, and he has the BEST facial expressions!
Negative traits: He cries bloody murder when he is hungry which we feel so bad about (he doesn't always display other hunger cues) because it takes us a few minutes to either make up a bottle of formula or warm one up that is premixed (this makes me dislike formula...wish I could just whip out a boob at times like these). Also, while he has started to sleep longer stretches (close to 4 hours), it's in the early evening. I'm a night owl so I haven't gotten into the habit of sleeping when he does. It would be nice if we could push those long stretches of sleep later on into the night or into the early morning. Once he's up at 5am or 6am, he doesn't want to go back down. :S
Favorite baby items: swing, SwaddleMe swaddles, Soothie pacifiers, car seat & stroller
Pictures (or describe baby's looks if you don't feel comfortable posting a pic): see signature!
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
Name: Cole
DOB: April 1
Age: 1 month on Wednesday
Positive traits: Cute. Likes to make faces. Likes long walks on the beach oops I mean neighborhood. Makes cute gremlin noises.
Negative traits: Likes to cry at bedtime. Is already eating 4 oz at feedings making moomy worried she won't be able to keep up her Milk stash.
Favorite baby items: tommy tippee bottles, medela freestyle, glider, bouncy ball, bathrobe for his nightly soothing baths (just water, soap only 2x/week)
Name: Bennett Kelly
DOB: 3/30
Age - 1 month tomorrow
Positives: A lot of things, he is so amazing. Ben BF's great, has been gaining weight like a champ. I truly believed he laughed yesterday (sure he was sleeping but it was cute big smile and a hearty belly laugh). He sleeps decent at night (up every 3 hours don't get me wrong) but goes back down pretty easily. Bennett is alert, loves looking at our faces, has a wonderful temperament and is too cute.
Negatives: GAS! oh my word, the poor guy's stomach. you move his legs and he farts
Up screaming in the middle of the night 4/5 nights last week, up for HOURS. I invested in colic calm and it is awesome (beware it makes their poop a little black). He doesn't burp well (hence the gas). Wakes from naps due to wet diaper, I know he needs sleep.
Favs: sleep sheep, bouncer (he sleeps in it), music, Avent pacifier, and carseat
Description: not sure how to post pics.....he is super long (22 in) and doesnt love being swaddled his legs are always extended. He has loads of light colored hair, blue eyes, and little crease by his eyes that are too cute.