1st Trimester

Ultrasound Measurements

I've been so sick for the past two weeks that I had to go see my doctor yesterday. He put me on bed rest for the next week to allow my body to adjust. But I did get to see the baby and it's heart beat! It was such an amazing and maternal feeling! I'm 7 weeks today and the baby measured .71cm yesterday but on my ultrasound photo it says 5 weeks 1 day ... the doctor said that's not always accurate but has anyone else gotten this? I've been so sick and it was nice to reach 7 weeks but the thought of stepping back two weeks worries me. I looked online and the measurement of .71cm seems to measure me about 7 weeks so I'm curious if any of your ultra sounds measured differently as well.

Re: Ultrasound Measurements

  • I just had same thing happen. LMP says 7 weeks but ultra sound yesterday was only showing 4-5 weeks but there was a gestational sac and yolk sac and a "dot that would be the baby". But no heartbeat, she didn't seem worried... But I am still worried. Waiti
  • since you saw a heartbeat I doubt you are measuring 5w1d. At my ultrasound yesterday one of the measurants was for the yolk sack and it was something like 5w4 but my overall measurements were 6w5d (which is correct for where I should be). She said that th
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  • Thank you. I really hope I'm 7 weeks and not 5! I'll ask about it again when I go back for my 10 week appointment.
  • Bea30Bea30 member
    With my first baby, the same thing happened at my 7 week ultrasound. They said my boy measured 5 weeks. However, he started growing faster around month 5 and measured 2 weeks ahead. Anyway, he was born two weeks early, so i wont worry to much about it.<br
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