So, after having a melt down 2 days in a row because I am so frustrated with my jeans not fitting right anymore, I broke down a bought a Beband from Target this morning. SO COMFORTABLE! For you ladies who arent quite ready to buy maternity pants, but arent comfortable in your regular jeans, this thing is AMAZING. I am just wearing it with my jeans unbuttoned and zipped about half way, with the Beband over it, and its the most comfortable I have been in a week!

I'm almost 11 weeks, and its mostly bloat that is my issue right now, but I just could not wear my pants buttoned anymore, especially after a meal or sitting for a long time!
Re: Beband from Target
I just started trying the Beband a few weeks ago myself! I'm 13 weeks along and for the past few I've been feeling like I"m in that awkward stage where maternity clothes would still not fit yet my clothes don't fit either (mainly pants). What do you do
I'm currently about 10 lbs lighter than I was when I got PG last time. Since having DS I went out & bought newer jeans. I'm still in them for now, but am glad to know I still have my "regular" jeans from pre-babies that I should still be able
My 2 December boys
I love my Beband. I wear it every day at work and it is so comfortable. It is great! I have some maternity pants from when I was pregnant with DS and I wear those here and there which are great but I still love that I can wear my regular work pants and