February 2012 Moms

Smaller babies?

I guess this could be a spin off of the chunkier baby post since it reminded me to ask this. Daisy dropped percentile wise at her one year appointment. The dr wasn't too concerned since she eats very well and my husband has a high motabolism. He wants me to bring her in in a couple of days to see if she's grown anymore. She wears 12 mo clothes but only 9 month pjs. I'm trying not to worry because I know that she could just be small. Any of other ladies that have smaller babies?

Re: Smaller babies?

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    Yup!  My little munchkin has been pretty consistently in the 15th percentile.  He eats well and his growth curve is right on target, he's just small.  Half of the 12 month size pants just fall off his little butt!  He has a long torso
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    Glad to hear there are smaller babies. She's 17 pounds but she did drop down on the growth curve so that's why I'm a little worried.
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    Lucia's smaller and she also dropped on her growth curve.  She was below the 5th %ile at her 12 month visit.  We'll bring her in next month just to check on her weight, but our doc isn't too concerned.  I think she'll have grown some, be

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    I still have to roll up Logan's 12 month pants so he doesn't trip on them. And I can still fit him in 9 month onesies sometimes. He was 21.5 lbs at his 12 month check up. And 29 inches.
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    I have a tall, skinny LO. Three of my friends had babies after I had Madison and they are all super chunky. I get comments from one of the moms who says feed her, she's such a little string bean. It annoys the crap out of me! Height she's in the 80 to

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    Yep. At 12 months she was 19 lbs and 2 oz, and 28 inches and a little bit. I think she's close to fitting into 12 to
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    Addy is definitely a smaller baby. She was born at the 20% range for both height and weight but quickly dropped in both and stayed there. She was 2% for weight at 16 lbs 3oz at her one year appt, and 5% for height (I forget what it was right now). That

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    Lauren is a peanut! She's in some 9 month clothes still, but mostly 12 months. She still wears a size 2 baby shoe!
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    Everything Caroline is wearing today is 9 months.  I put her in 12 month pants yesterday and they had to change her because they would stay up.

    She has her 15 month appt Tuesday and I'm worried about what the doctor will say because I don't

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    Yup!  My little munchkin has been pretty consistently in the 15th percentile.  He eats well and his g
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    Me. Audra is wearing mostly 12 month sizes but the pants and onesies are a little long. She is in a size 3 shoe. I think she's approximately 20 pounds and 28 inches. She will be 15 months next Friday and we go for her well baby visit next Thursday so I'll
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