I'm 35 y.o. and this is my first pregnancy. My husband and I are completely delighted about our blessing.
About 3 days after I learned I'm pregnant through a home kit, I started having light spots. From reading different articles, it seems normal. I want to point out that I'm spotting every single day. Around 5 weeks into pregnancy, the bleeding started to increase. It looked like I'm on my 4th day of my regular period. I called my OB and made an emergency appointment. The doctor did not think its something serious. I'm too early that they didn't see anything in the US. Couple of days later after seeing my OB, the bleeding got worst.
I have to wait a grueling 3 weeks to meet with my OB again.
I'm wondering if anybody experienced this or have been going through this scary bleeding during early stage of pregnancy?
Re: Bleeding at 5.5 wks
Did you call your OB after the bleeding got worse? It seems a little ridiculous to have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment if you are bleeding heavily.
I hope everything is okay, and it may just be something like a subchorionic hemmorhage (they're pretty common), but I'd want to get it checked out.