1st Trimester

Bleeding at 5.5 wks

I'm 35 y.o. and this is my first pregnancy. My husband and I are completely delighted about our blessing.
About 3 days after I learned I'm pregnant through a home kit, I started having light spots. From reading different articles, it seems normal. I want to point out that I'm spotting every single day. Around 5 weeks into pregnancy, the bleeding started to increase. It looked like I'm on my 4th day of my regular period. I called my OB and made an emergency appointment. The doctor did not think its something serious. I'm too early that they didn't see anything in the US. Couple of days later after seeing my OB, the bleeding got worst.
I have to wait a grueling 3 weeks to meet with my OB again.
I'm wondering if anybody experienced this or have been going through this scary bleeding during early stage of pregnancy?

Re: Bleeding at 5.5 wks

  • Did you call your OB after the bleeding got worse? It seems a little ridiculous to have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment if you are bleeding heavily.

    I hope everything is okay, and it may just be something like a subchorionic hemmorhage (they're pretty common), but I'd want to get it checked out. 

      norathe girlsamelia
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  • Tell your doc or go visit them so they can check.
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  • Go to the hospital! Why are u even writing here? Heavy bleeding is a reason to go to energencies right now!!! And btw. : change your OB. With a periodlike bleeding they should check up on u more than once a month, especially if she couldnt find the reason..
  • Yes. I did call my OB right away when I bled and they had me talk to a triage nurse. She said, as long as I don't have to change my pad every hour, then it should be ok. No abdominal cramps, no severe back pain and the color of blood is brownish not bright red. Nothing alarming on their radar. During my doctor's visit, he even said, no restriction with my activities. Honestly, I think it was ridiculous. I totally quit exercise. They advised us to wait 3 weeks because I'm too early, they didn't see anything in the US. And in 3 weeks, they should see more. But the waiting game is really making me anxious.
  • I feel your pain, you are mirror image to me at the moment. I am also 35 years old but on my 3rd pregnancy. I initially thought I was 8 weeks, them I noticed light dark brown spotting on Sunday, went GP Monday and had a scan Tuesday. They could only detect the sac and told me I was 5 weeks pregnant and could not confirm the worse. I have to wait till the 8th for confirmation. It's heart breaking right now. I fear the worse because on day 4 I started getting back pain and my spotting became red, 6 days later I'm bleeding bright red and heavy but no one can do anything till I'm at least 7 weeks so they can confirm. It's worrying and everyone says not too, but as a woman seeing what we see when we go to the toilet, how can we not worry x
  • I started having some dark brown spotting about a week after finding out I was pregnant in January. I called the DR immediatly and they told me that spotting was actually normal in early pregnancy. It continued for about 3-4 days and then turned to bright red spotting. I called back in a panic and talked to my DR. He told me again that it could be compeletely normal or it could be a sign of miscarriage. I was only 4.5 or 5 weeks at that point so it was too early to go in for an apointment. He said to be concerned if was accomponied by cramping. Unfortunatly, about day or two after that I started having heaving cramping and eventually lost the pregnancy. I know it's stressful and it's probably all you can think about, but remember that it's nothing you have done and you can't control it. My DR told me that if it is a healthy pregnancy, a little bleeding isn't going to end it. But, on the same note, if it isn't a healthy pregnancy from the beginning, there isn't much you can do about it. Try to keep your yourself buys and your mind off it.




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