1st Trimester


Went in for a early ultrasound today after I had started bleeding. My blood work is consistent with a growing baby but the ultrasound only showed a sack with no baby. Has anyone else had this happen before? I am going back for more blood work on  Monday and a follow up ultrasound next week. 

Re: Unsure

  • How far along are you? sometimes if you are too early it makes a difference...
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  • My Obgyn said I should be at 6 weeks now.
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  • I wouldn't worry too much. When i went the first time I was 5w5d and we only saw a sac. I went back a week later and we could a tiny pea size baby and a little flicker and that was 6w5d. I am not scheduled to go back until the 6th of May. I had a d&c
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