Working Moms

What does your toddler do while you cook?

I'm stumped on this one.  DH works evenings, so it's just DS and I for dinner.  I'd LOVE it if I could cook and eat with him like a normal person, but so far I don't do that because I'm not sure what to do with him while I cook.  He's not content just playing at my feet; he cries to be picked up or gets into things he shouldn't.  I've tried sitting him down with markers and paper, but that doesn't keep him distracted for long enough.

His entire life, I've just ended up cooking dinner after he goes to bed and feeding him leftovers the next day.  Now that he's going to bed later, I don't have dinner cooked until after 8PM, and I need to go to bed by 9:30-ish.

What do you do?
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Re: What does your toddler do while you cook?

  • DD will play in the kitchen while I cook.  She also loves to color with crayons and markers and will sit in her high chair and do that.  Or if all else fails, I put Dora on TV and she will definitely watch it.  She loves it. 

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  • I'm not sure your child is old enough but I try to get my son to help.  Sometimes, I put a mixing bowl on the floor and he goes and gets food from his play kitchen to fix for dinner.  As I am cooking the real food, he is getting food from his

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  • TV.  Not the best idea, but after working all day, I just don't have the energy to try to entertain him and get dinner ready at the same time.  
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  • Almost 2 is a tough in between age if I recall....too big for swings and jumperoos and too small to help out or stay focused on one activity for awhile. As far as I can recall DDs habits at that age.....

    she played with her own play kitchen (we p

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  • My toddler usually plays in the kitchen, watches you tube videos or helps me. She loves helping. She's only 2, but she can set the table, if we use plastic plates and will help me mix ingredients, roll it pizza dough, etc. my DH works a lot of evenings, s
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  • Like PP's- Play's, TV, or "helps".

    Have you tried magnets on your fridge? DS1 loves this:

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  • KL777KL777 member

    When DS was a toddler, I was a SAHM and I had him in front the TV while I cooked in the morning for the evening.  The kitchen and living room are right next to each other so I could always peep in to see if he was gettting in to anything.

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  • He either helps, watches tv or plays with play dough.
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  • My DH works evenings too.

    LO is now usually happy to just play but until recently, I'd pull up Blue's Clues.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My toddler sounds like yours.  He gets a lot of left overs and I don't feel guilty about that.

    I also get home 30 minutes before DS and DH, so I've gotten a good collection of 30 minute meals.  That way food is ready when he gets home a

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  • Our cabinets have some open slots near his level (I'm not sure what they're for...before LO we put wine bottles in them). I bought some plastic plates and bowls with Cat in the Hat on them from the $1 aisle at Target, and some dishrags and put them in the
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers Anniversary
  • My crockpot and I are good friends.  I typically make dinner in that while DS eats breakfast in the morning.  And then when we get home, its as simple as microwaving some rice or something similar to go along with it.  That said, I eat brea
  • We have a utility stool that he can stand on to help if he wants.  He also makes his own dinner sometimes in his play kitchen, or sits at his little table and plays with some toys.  I'd try the crockpot a few times a week though, for piece of mi
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I put up a baby gate to keep him out.  He used to scream at the gate when was little, but now he plays in the adjoining rooms or watches cartoons.



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  • Those times that I can't get her occupied somewhere else, she'll stand on a chair.  I keep her away from the sharp and hot stuff, but give her a metal mixing bowl, some spoons, and maybe a little food (or even blocks or something to put in her bow

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  • Sit her in her highchair with some kitchen tools and snacks or she'll go through the junk drawer and pull out everything and scatter it through the kitchen.  If it gets bad, I put the gate up and she screams while I cook.  In the mornings, I

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  • Thanks for the ideas!  TV would work great, but we don't have an open layout, so I can't see DS when I'm in the kitchen and he's in another room.  I'll have to try letting him stand on a chair and "help" me cook.
    PhotobucketLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • This may get me flamed, but I let both of my kids sit on the counter. 

     Sometimes they get a snack or a spoon to help stir or whatever.  I started with each of them when they were around 15 months and just kind of made sure my b

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  • I pretty much only "cook" on the weekend and during the week I just reheat leftovers. My only other answer is distract my kids with a tv show while I prep dinner.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I cook after DD has gone to bed.  I HATE coming home from work and cooking a meal.  I come home from work, pop dinner in the oven to heat up (It's usually already cooked from the night before) and we all eat as a family when it's ready. 
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  • My guy is just about 1 so there's probably a difference in the amount of time he'll play with something, but on weeks where DH travels, DS plays with whatever is in the cabinets (pots and pans, tuperware, his bowls/plates, etc).  We moved a
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • She "helps" - I normally try to figure something out that she has to look for - cna you look for the purple cup?  Kinda thing.

    Also - the power of pretzels cannot be overstated

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  • Normally my DH is home, but when he hasn't been DS has a cabinet that he can get into that is in the kitchen and everything in it is safe for him to pull out and play with. it's all the tupperware and plastic bowls and things like that. He really enjoy

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  • My kiddos (2 and 3) either sit at the table with crayons and stickers or watch TV






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