1st Trimester

Going insane waiting!!!

So I am pregnant. That's all I know. I have been so busy in the past months working multiple jobs that I have lost all track of my cycle. I cannot for the life of me remember the last time I had my period. If I had to guess I would say sometime in February.

Anyways, I found out I was pregnant about 2 and a half weeks ago now. I woke up one morning and I was having cramps and my boobs hurt and I thought to myself, "Wait a minute...when the hell did I have my period last?" When I couldn't answer that, I decided to use my last pregnancy test to ease my nerves. Well it ended up being a VERY faint positive. So I rushed to Walgreens to get a digital test so there was question. That one very clearly said POSITIVE.

My husband and I haven't been trying to get pregnant because I didn't know if I could have kids so I didn't want to stress myself out. I came off of birth control around the new year and we just said when it's meant to happen, it'll happen. That being said, I was also told by my doctor to not expect to be pregnant anytime within the first year of being off of birth control. I have been on it so long and had so many issues (that's why I was put on it in the first place), that she thought my body was going to take a long while for an adjustment period. Needless to say, she was wrong LOL!

Anyways, I have mixed emotions like normal. I am super excited but really don't want to be knocked up during the summer. All of the things I was looking forward to this summer, soccer, beach volleyball, and drinking on the boat. Yep forget it... I have been busting my trying to get back in shape, so there goes that. And I am a summer camp counselor. I will be out in the summer heat with kids all summer! Yeah!

Anyways, I made an appointment with a gyno for my first appointment and they couldnt get me in until tomorrow. So I have been going nuts the last two weeks. Whats making me insane is that I have been so sick. I have had a cold, plus this weather in Chicago is ridonkulous, and my three boxers are shedding their winter coats. So with morning sickness, this cold, and my allergies going bonkers, I have been sick as a dog. There is no medicine I can take right now either. I was told the only thing that is really safe during the first trimester is amoxicillin and I am allergic. Woohoo! I was given Zofran to help with the vomiting/nausea because between coughing and puking I ripped open my throat last week and was coughing up blood. I have been seriously miserable.

So anyways, I finally get to go to the doctor tomorrow to find out where the heck I am in this pregnancy and then we can finally tell our parents this weekend. We were going to wait until Mothers Day but I decided I cant wait anymore. I have to tell our families. Then once I hit that 12 weeks mark, I will tell others.

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Re: Going insane waiting!!!

  • Congrats on the pregnancy! Get better soon!
  • I think the birth control makes you more fertile I was with someone for 2 years TRYING to have a baby and nothing .. we broke up he had a baby wirh someobe else so was convinced I couldn't have children .. met someone went on the pill and got pregnant in 3 months while I was ON THE PILL I am now 8 weeks pregnant :D .. so congratulations and enjoy
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  • Tried for 6 years, finally had DS in September 2011. B/C script ran out and 3 weeks later I tested positive for baby #2. About that whole year it will take, yeah, trust me it's B/S.
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