I noticed that I am starting to develop Melasma already and today it is so noticeable across my forehead! I had no idea it would start this early, I am new to this so I figured it was a third tri thing!
Now I am worried its only going to get worse as time goes on...and will be a dead giveaway to anyone who knows anything about it and why and on who it forms. I have not gone public yet...
Anyone get this so early? Is there safe ways to minimize it? Anyone recommend good makeup to cover it up?
I got it when I was on BCP a long time ago on my upper lip and treated it with a combo Rx cream from my derm that is a no-no now. Good news is that it's gone and I just protect it with sunscreen now! I was not expecting this, yikes!
Re: Melasma already!!
I really doubt anyone will call you out on it. I've had it because of taking BC for so long. It actually got better when I was pregnant. The sun will make it MUCH worse, so make sure you wear hats & wear sunscreen this summer!!!