February 2012 Moms

CPW: Babywearing

Re: CPW: Babywearing

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    I wear DS ocassionally and thankfully he still loves it because I do! I wish I had wore him much more often and earlier on. With our next LO I will be wearing he/her much more!

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    I loved wearing D and she loved it to when she was younger. I wore her up until she was fully mobile, after that she was not having it, she would try to get out.
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    we just picked up a Boba 3g to use.  I tried it at the mall last week and it worked pretty well, so I'm excited to test it out geocaching with her this summer.
    there are two motivations in sports, which is yours?
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    I wore DD a couple times when she was littler. She was indifferent to it. Now, she would never tolerate it so I don't even try.

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    I really want to, Allison seems ok with it when we try it in the house but we haven't done it out and about yet.  Really, it is just easier to put her in a cart/stroller than to strap her into the Beco - and DH is no help at all.
    Lilypie - (JrNi)

    Lilypie - (y35Q)

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    Timmy loved it when he was little.  Once he was able to stand/walk that's all he wanted to do.  He is not interested in being held much. 


    Next baby I will totally try to get them into it.  I'll need to that w

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    I wore Lu when she was a newborn, but she never liked it after that. She likes stretching out and hates being warm. I'm hoping my next baby likes it more!
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    Eli didn't mind when he was little, but it didn't really last past 5-6 months. I think part of it was I never did it enough with him because I didn't like our carrier. It never fit right and I didn't see the point in buying another one if I didn't really
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    I did up until about 9 months.  I had a sling and the ergo.  I think we ALL hated the ergo, but sometimes it was a neccessary evil.

    I need to try it again.  The reason I have not is super lame....I think my hair looks stupid pulled

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    I absolutely loved wearing my son. He practically lived in my K'tan for a while there. Once he started moving he wanted his freedom though! I still wear the Ergo when I don't feel like lugging the stroller or when we are not in an environment conducive t
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    Laurendoes pretty well in the Ergo and sometimes it's just necessary. I had her, my 9 month old nephew and 3 year old son at Target this week. I wore Lauren, nephew sat in the seat part and my son walked next to me. It was fun, lol.
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