Cloth Diapering

Rash from Tide

I recently tried switching to Tide original. I had been using Tide Free and Gentle, but I was starting to get some very slight stink when I dried my diapers. I also read that FG is bad to use, though aside from smell I have had no other problems. Anyway, DS got a rash almost immediately from the regular Tide. So a few questions. First, do I need to strip the diapers now, or can I just wash them with a different detergent and maybe add some rinses? Also, is this Tide sensitivity usually limited to the diaper area? I don't think my son usually has very sensitive skin, but do I need to avoid using regular Tide for his clothes, too? Not sure if it something about the detergent and diapers and urine, or if I should expect him to be sensitive all over.
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Re: Rash from Tide

  • Some children will react to the fragrance and enzymes on their diaper area because of the wetness from the pee, but will be fine with their clothes washed in regular Tide. We had to switch from Tide Original for the exact same reason.

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  • Thank you! This is exactly what I had hoped to hear!
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