

Hi Fellow MoM's... I hope this is just a phase but my toddler twins (19 mos) will NOT keep shoes on their feet. We live in AZ so I know it's hot but their daycare requires they wear closed toe shoes and I have not had any luck with multiple pairs of shoes that I have bought for them. Just curious if you guys have any suggestions for shoes that your little ones keep on? Would love some advice before I shell out another $40-$80 for shoes that become worthless b/c they throw them off the second I put them on. Thanks!!!
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Re: HELP!...Re:Shoes

  • What kind of shoes have you tried? Have you done ones with laces and double-knotted the laces?
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Thanks for your response. We have tried crocs, converse, saucony tennis shoes, stride rite sandals x2 pairs and the boys are little Houdinis and can get their shoes and socks off within seconds! Was hoping someone had suggestions on a tennis shoe/sandal t
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  • I don't have much advice, but I'm curious to see what's suggested because we're having the same issue. I've heard Robeez are really good, and they state on their website that they stay on, but I'm skeptical and they're a little pricey. The girls have a pa
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