1st Trimester

TTC after Implonon

Hey ladies, I just recently got off the bc implonon because DH and I want to TTC baby #2. Just wondering how long it took for you that have experienced this? Or if you have any advice. Thanks!

DS born 5/15/2010

Trying for #2 Since April 18, 2013 

BFP July 18, 2014

EDD baby #2 March 28, 2015



Re: TTC after Implonon

  • i got off mine in i think nov. ( for dif reasons) bf andi talked about having a baby at the end of dec and found out jan 17 we were expecting :) they say u can start trying as soon as a day or so after it is removed ( thats what my doc said any way ) good luck !
  • Oh wow! Thats awesome. Congrasts and thanks, hopefully we have a simalar time line :) We want to fingers crossed be pregnant by or in June!

    DS born 5/15/2010

    Trying for #2 Since April 18, 2013 

    BFP July 18, 2014

    EDD baby #2 March 28, 2015



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  • I got mine taken out on Jan 30th. Got my first period (I hadn't had one PP from my lo and never had a period on Implanon) on March 5th and got pregnant that cycle! Good luck, hope it happens fast for you!
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  • Awesome thank you! I hope so too! It seems like some people get pregnant fast, but then I would google and freak myself out because of people saying its been a year and still nothing and they think implonon made them not able to be pregnant etc etc. So instead of freaking out I decided to ask people who would know. LOL novel idea! Should have done that from the start!

    DS born 5/15/2010

    Trying for #2 Since April 18, 2013 

    BFP July 18, 2014

    EDD baby #2 March 28, 2015



  • I was nervous about it too! My Dr said that the hormones leave your system within 24 hours so it should not affect fertility at all!
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  • Got It taken out in the middle of June. Got my first period almost exactly a month later. Started temping in July. Got my positive test in October. Due in June. Good luck!
  • Thank you! This makes me feel alot better!

    DS born 5/15/2010

    Trying for #2 Since April 18, 2013 

    BFP July 18, 2014

    EDD baby #2 March 28, 2015



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