February 2012 Moms


How's Grant doing?

ETA:And I'm sorry...How are you doing?

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Re: *Preggers*

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    I was just thinking about them today also, i always love seeing the little bee outfit.
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    Things are going well. Tube feeds have become normal now. My hubby made something to hold the syringe so my hands are free to feed him by mouth. He is still refusing, but not completely. I know that getting him off the tube will be a long process. <br

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    Is there anyway you can just take a break from everything even if it's for just a night? You do so much for grant and your family you really need to take care of yourself first
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    Is there anyway you can just take a break from everything even if it's for just a night? You do so much for grant an

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    You are a sahm that's a full time job, don't down play it. I get exhausted at the weekends looking after Emma sometimes going to my job is a break. Could the sleep issues be a result of depression? I had ppd and was exhausted all the time. I hope you g
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    Glad to hear things are progressing in a good way! Yep, I'm following your blog but was too impatient to wait for an update there.

    I agree, don't downplay being a sahm! Your life is very, very busy. Even if you're getting the recommended

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